Customer-Oriented Environmental Sustainability – Meaning and Importance

The general public and international societies have always argued that to achieve sustainable development, the economic activities that human beings engage in should be able to protect natural resources. In as much it is believed that controlling the global population size would certainly help in achieving environmental sustainability; however statistical analysis and projection show that the global population would have to increase and therefore this might not be sustainable. Thus changing the customer-oriented lifestyle in developed nations would be more sustainable. Environmental sustainability should aim at capturing environmental systems dynamics by building adaptive and resilient systems. It should aim at achieving pollution control by reducing environmental pollutants such as greenhouse gases and other gases which directly and indirectly affect human lives and the environment such as sulfides. Thus ensuring sustainable transportation and energy-related activities as well as ecological activities would better help achieve environmental sustainability. Customer-oriented environmental sustainability aims at achieving efficiency in environmental resource usage and thereby reducing waste and negative impacts of human activities on the environment through continuous innovation.

Adopting new and modern environmentally sustainable structures to achieve energy efficiency would better help achieve energy efficiency and hence environmental sustainability. The use of fossil fuels contributes more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and is, therefore, the major source of global climatic change. These greenhouse gases are absorbed into the ozone layer and therefore allow shortwave rays to enter the lower atmosphere and also maintain most of the reflected waves in the lower atmosphere and therefore increasing the global heat. This, therefore, implies that developing and adopting alternative more efficient technologies for energy sources such as wind energy and natural gas would therefore be more effective in achieving customer-oriented environmental sustainability. Building and adopting new transportation technologies would also help decrease greenhouse gas emissions and also improve the fuel economy. This would include building vehicles and aircraft which are environmentally friendly and also consume less fuel. Developing bio-fuels from feed-stock production would also help reduce the over-reliance on petroleum by consumers and hence help reduce the environmental impacts of the use of petroleum.

Customer-oriented environmental sustainability would also help evaluate the environmental impacts of activities, products as well as processes on the environment and human health. Evaluating the impacts of chemicals before they are made open to the consumers would help minimize the impacts of chemicals and industrial effluents on the environment and human health.

Customer-oriented environmental sustainability would also help develop land usage systems that are aimed at protecting the environment. Measures would be taken to reduce toxicity trash on the environment and hence protect the wildlife, agricultural land, and the water systems. Customer-oriented environmental sustainability would ensure that those in charge of providing services and products to consumers such as water services in societies aim at harvesting water from the watersheds while at the same putting in place measures that conserve the environment. It would also help develop and implement measures that conserve natural resources which are aimed at satisfying consumers such as wildlife and other scenic features.

To sum up, there is a need for society to contemplate embracing public policy perceptions that advocate for sustainability by way of making sure that our present security, social needs, and economic issues do not weaken the base of our natural resources to preserve future generations. Thus we should decrease the industry’s use of natural resources and also reduce their negative impacts on our environment.

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