Interviewing is really an effective but highly complicated tool of selection. The process of interviewing is an oral examination with all its variations. The written examinations cannot trace the personal qualities, behavior, habits and character traits of the candidate. So in order to find out a suitable candidate, the interviewer has to seek more information about the candidate through interview techniques. Also, the other objective is to impart complete and accurate information about the job and its terms and conditions. The employment interview is usually observed in terms of its long-range effects on the employer, employee and the organization. The major source of information regarding the personality and background of the applicant is the observation of the candidate’s non-verbal reactions and his general behavior during the interview. The information sources of secondary importance would be to get all the essential information about the applicant’s performance and competence from his previous Continue reading
Business Communication
As the term suggests, business communication includes all communication that occurs in a business context. A knowledge of business communication presupposes an understanding of both business and communication.
Listening Skills in Business
The importance of listening skills in business is enormous. The ability to speak well is a necessary component to successful communication. The ability to listen is equally as important. Good listening is an art. A good listener is generally interested in what the speaker has to convey. A good listener knows the art of getting much more than what the speaker is trying to convey. A good listener knows how to prompt, prod, persuade. A good listener puts a speaker at ease helps articulate and facilitates the speaker to get across the message in full and with clarity. A good listener should also not have any biases and should cultivate the right temperament. A positive attitude helps in making listening effective. Listening skills are very essential for business success Development of listening skills at various levels is very essential for business success. Every business has its stakeholders and there is Continue reading
Written Communication in Business
Need for Written Media of Communication The old style of communication did not have public relation, advertising, technology and many aspects of modern day communication. They would converse almost daily and instruction was given verbally to people who worked together in an organization. Also the number of people working together in any organization was less and so they could easily inspect, direct and judge the work of the employees. But today, organizations have a team of qualified person to carry out assignments. These specialists and experts have to communicate their ideas to one another and also to the management. This flow of information is necessary to be maintained through written medial because of the complexity of all these activities. The written media is like the human sensory organs and memory power, which receives analyses and records the information for the purpose of decision making in the future. Written media helps Continue reading
Consensus and Its Significance in Business
What is Consensus? The concept of consensus has become quite familiar and desirable means of informal business communication not only in the political fields but also in the commercial spheres as well. It is a common agreement of opinion on a given problem among the majority of people in a group or community. The board meeting of commercial organizations takes certain decisions through consensus. Sometimes, merely a copy of resolution is circulated among the members of a particular group to get their approval. When the decisions are taken unanimously, the unity of the group is recognized. It projects a good image of the business house and the status of the organization is raised. It also suggests high morale of the management to the employees, customers, shareholders, and other people. Consensus does not mean that there exist no opposite views among the members of the group. Of course, perfect unanimity should Continue reading
Upward Communication in Business
Communication is a process where a message sender intentionally stimulates a desired message in the mind of a receiver. Sometime the speaker’s purpose is to inform, to entertain, and to persuade or is a combination of all three. Understanding from the outset that the intent is to persuade, the communicator will entertain and inform while influencing the receiver to select a specific course of action. Traditional administrators always understood the importance of communication skills. To be successful, they sent messages that clearly outlined what they wanted and how it should be done. They practiced their communication skills daily by sending messages upward, downward and horizontally in the organization. Administrators generally transmitted information upward in the organization relating to job assignment, performance, problems, organization practices or policies and the methodology for accomplishing tasks. They understood that positive upward communication was more likely to be used by those above them than negative Continue reading
Verbal Communication in Business
Meaning and Importance of Verbal Communication Our spoken words have greater impact than that of the sword taken out of the scabbard. The speeches of famous leaders and revolutionaries have had the greatest impact on people resulting in movements and revolutions. The words can encourage the people to take over and complete the tasks beyond their ability. On the other hand, the worlds can dis-spirit and discourage the people from doing even their routine jobs. Oral communication is vital to human relationships in every business organization as well as social gatherings. We talk to people for many purposes. We may talk in order to escape boredom, to get acquainted with a newcomer, to warn the person about his or her misbehavior, to suggest novel ideas to other people who work with us, to instruct others, and for a number of other purposes. Much of the professional and business communication through Continue reading