Principles of Effective Communication

Communication is the process of transmitting the messages and receiving the response of that message. The person who sends the messages is known as sender and the person who receives the message is known as receiver and the response to the message is known as feed back. Since the feedback requires another message to be communicated by the sender to the receiver. So communication process become a circular process. In simple words, exchange of ideas/messages, response there off in total is known as communication. Any method of communication like words–oral or written, pictures, graphs, diagrams, etc. may be adopted to communicate. Effective communication is that communication in which the receiver is understood actually what the sender wants to convey, and in the same form. ‘Noise’ is something, which has disturbed the effective sending and receiving of communication. Here are the principles of effective communication in business; Principle of clarity: the Continue reading

The Art of Negotiation – Importance of Negotiation in Business

In the world of business the most difficult thing to achieve, is perhaps, nothing but the negotiation table. Reaching a negotiated settlement and winning over the other side is the most complex and intricate task for which our marketers always strive for. From the management science to the business calculus and from the politics to the diplomacy as well as from the socialism to psychology, negations include and encompass every art. Negotiating people need to be resumed not only in one of above mentioned disciplines, but they should have the mastery to employ all the tools, when required. With the rapidly changing world of the business and economics the art of the negotiation is also becoming more and more volatile and evaporative. One can’t suppose the negotiated settlements to withstand or stay for the certain period of the time but the need to renegotiate can be arisen any time when Continue reading

The Role of Celebrity Endorsements in Public Relations Campaigns

Businesses and entrepreneurs who use celebrities to endorse there products are elevated into another category.   The celebrity pitch is a tried and tested advertising strategy that has stood the test of time.  The advantages are that celebrity adds personalities and characteristics to a brand that will raise awareness and product adoption.According to American Public Opinion Survey and Market Research, 72 % of customers who bought a product backed by a celebrity said that it was the famous face of the endorser who first grabbed their attention. If successful, the use of celebrity endorsers can contribute to adding significant value to a product.  Today, more than ever before, the public has a hunger for celebrity information. The cult of the celebrity is more powerful than at any time in history and the marketing potential of this is enormous, especially if you can connect a product and a celebrity to a Continue reading

External Communication in Business

Communication with people outside the company is called “external communication”. Supervisors communicate with sources outside the organization, such as vendors and customers. External communication comprehends all information developed by the company, which is related to its activity that is released in the press, for public knowledge. Such information is crucial in order to promote the company’s image. When it comes to business communication, or for that matter, any aspect, the most important thing is the customer. We need to ensure that we deliver what the customer wants. Even when it comes to things like marketing or advertising, we need to show what the customer appreciates and likes. Different customers accept different kinds of marketing. It all depends on us to ensure that via business communication, we are able to cater to the choices of a wide range of people. If we are able to master the art of impressing many Continue reading

Importance of Good Communication in Business

In the modern corporate world today, effective communication is vital in any type of businesses, because it builds a close interaction among each of the members from all the departments in an organization. It also can determine whether a business success or a business failure of the organization will be. Moreover, it does help the relationships to develop along good lines, and ensure that arguments and disagreements are kept to a minimum. For example, good communication skill is very important in partnership, so that the partners can avoid the problems of misunderstanding and petty quarrels. We can measure the importance of communication skills in business sector when we take a look at the job advertisement. Candidates with good communication skills seemed to be the single most repeated phrase in the job qualification requirement. And, the ability of good communication is also the most basic of job skills. There is almost Continue reading

Business Letter – Meaning, Purpose and Components

A letter is price of conversation by post. It is the most important means of written communication. Every organization has to maintain contacts with its customers, suppliers, Government Department and so on. The organization has also to exchange information with various parties. Placing orders, soliciting enquires, executing orders etc. require communication. For such type of communication the media used by the organization is a letter. This letter is known as business letter. In the words of H. A. Murphy and others, “The medium used most often for written messages to persons outside your organization is the business letter.” W. J. Weston said, “Business letter is the process of accomplishing business transaction in written form.” The Purposes of a Business Letter Business people have to communicate with the suppliers, debtors, creditors, customers and with other concerned parties to exchange information. Business letters are basically used to communicate with the above parties. According to Ricks and Continue reading