Definitively, a budget refers to forecast of company’s incomes and expenses anticipated for a given period of time. With a budget, an organization is able to analyze how much money they are making and spending, and they are able to figure the best way to channel it among various categories and departments. Budgeting depicts the entire process of analyzing and planning using a budget. Since budgets are vital tools for management and planning, the process of budgeting generally affects all types of organizations regardless of their size and composition. Many organizations participate in budgeting process with the view of determining the most cost effective and efficient strategies of making profits and intensifying its capital and asset base. In management, budgeting guides an organization to use its scarce resources in a way that exploits the existing business opportunities well. Good budgeting concepts integrate efficient business judgment and help the management to Continue reading
Business Finance
Business Finance is that business activity which is concerned with the acquisition and conservation of capital funds in meeting financial needs and overall objectives of business enterprises.
Modes of Long-Term Working Capital Financing
Working capital refers to that part of the total capital employed which has been invested for the financing of current assets e.g. inventories, debtors, cash and bank balances, bills receivable, prepaid expenses etc. That is, total of all current assets is working capital. Firms need both a long-term (or permanent) investment in working capital and a short-term or cyclical one. The permanent working capital investment provides an ongoing positive net working capital position, that is, a level of current assets that exceeds current liabilities. This allows the firm to operate with a comfortable financial margin since short-term assets exceed short-term obligations and minimizes the risk of being unable to pay its employees, vendors, lenders, or the government (for taxes). To have positive net working capital, a company must finance part of its working capital on a long-term basis. Beyond this permanent working capital investment, firms need seasonal or cyclical working Continue reading
Some Variants of Leases
1. Direct Lease A direct lease can be defined as any lease transaction which is not a “sale and leaseback” transaction. In other words, in a direct lease, the lessee and the owner are two different entities. A direct lease can be of two types: Bipartite Lease and Tripartite Lease. Bipartite Lease In a bipartite lease, there are two parties to the transaction – the equipment supplier cum-lessor and the lessee. The bipartite lease is typically structured as an operating lease with in-built facilities like up gradation of the equipment (upgrade lease) or additions to the original equipment configuration. The lessor undertakes to maintain the equipment and even replaces the equipment that is in need of major repair with similar equipment in working condition (swap lease). Of course, all these add-ons to the basic lease arrangement are possible only if the lessor happens to be a manufacturer or a dealer Continue reading
Advantages of Budgetary Control
The following are some of the most significant advantages of budgetary control. Budgeting compels management to plan for the future, the budgeting forces management to look ahead and become more-effective and efficient in administering business operations. It instills into managers the habit of evaluating carefully their problems and related variables before making any decisions. Budgeting helps to coordinate, integrate, and balance the efforts of various departments in the light of the overall objectives of the enterprise. This results in goal congruency and harmony among the departments. Budgeting facilitates control by providing definite expectation on the planning phase that can be used as a frame of reference for judging subsequent performance. Undoubtedly, budgeted performance is a more important standard for comparison than past performance, since past performance is historical factors, which are constantly changing. Budgeting improves the quality of communication. The enterprise’s objectives, budget goals, plans, authority and responsibility and procedures Continue reading
Management Accounting Best Practices – Cost Allocation
Cost allocation is the process of identifying and assigning the costs of services necessary for the operation of a business or other type of entity. Unlike a cost rating, the allocation is less concerned with the actual amount of the cost, and more concerned with allocating or assigning the cost to the correct unit within the organization. From this perspective, cost allocation can be seen as a tool that helps track all costs associated with the ongoing operation more efficiently, since each cost is associated with specific departments or groups of departments within the organization. A simple example of cost allocation would be the wages or salary of an employee assigned to work in a specific department. In a hospital, a nurse is normally assigned to a specific wing or floor, with the costs allocated to the general operation of that unit. As long as the nurse continues to work Continue reading
Trading Procedure at Stock Exchanges
The trading procedure at stock exchanges can be complex, and the specific procedures can vary depending on the exchange and the types of securities being traded. However, in general, the trading procedure at stock exchanges involves several key steps, including market opening, order placement, order matching, trade confirmation, and trade settlement. Market Opening: The stock exchange’s market opening is typically announced, and trading begins at the designated time. The exact time of the market opening may vary depending on the exchange, but it is typically during normal business hours. The opening is often signaled by a bell or other announcement, and traders begin placing orders to buy or sell securities. Order Placement: Traders place orders to buy or sell securities through their brokers. Orders can be placed using various methods, including phone, electronic trading platforms, or directly on the exchange floor. These orders are typically accompanied by specific instructions regarding Continue reading