Underwriting is an agreement, entered into by a company with a financial agency, in order to ensure that the public will subscribe for the entire issue of shares or debentures made by the company. The financial agency is known as the underwriter and it agrees to buy that part of the company issues which are not subscribed to by the public in consideration of a specified underwriting commission. The underwriting agreement, among others, must provide for the period during which the agreement is in force, the amount of underwriting obligations, the period within which the underwriter has to subscribe to the issue after being intimated by the issuer, the amount of commission and details of arrangements, if any, made by the underwriter for fulfilling the underwriting obligations. The underwriting commission may not exceed 5 percent on shares and 2.5 percent in case of debentures. Underwriting has become very important in Continue reading
Financial Management
Financial management entails planning for the future of a person or a business enterprise to ensure a positive cash flow, including the administration and maintenance of financial assets. The primary concern of financial management is the assessment rather than the techniques of financial quantification. Some experts refer to financial management as the science of money management. The five basic components of the Financial Management Framework are: Planning and Analysis, Asset and Liability Management, Reporting, Transaction Processing and Control.
Major Considerations in Capital Structure Planning
There are three major considerations in capital structure planning, i.e. risk, cost of capital and control, which help the finance manager in determining the proportion in which he can raise funds from various sources. Although, three factors, i.e. risk, cost and control determines the capital structure of a particular business undertaking at a given point of time. The finance manager attempts to design the Capital Structure in such a manner that his risk and costs are the least and the control of the existing management is diluted to the least extent. Risk – Risk is of two kinds, i.e. financial risk and business risk. Here we are concerned primarily with the financial risk. Financial risk is also of two types: Risk of Cash Insolvency: As a firm raises more debt, its risk of cash insolvency increases. This is due to two reasons. Firstly, higher proportion of debt in the Capital Continue reading
Role of Credit Rating Agencies in Securitization
The credit rating agencies play a major role in the securitization process is to help investors to make informed decisions regarding investment in the underlying securities. As guardians of the public through their research, analysis, and grading of various risks, rating agencies are expected to protect investors against taking excessive credit risk. The ratings allow institutions such as insurance companies and pension funds, who are prohibited to invest in securities rated below investment grade by their respective regulators, to actively participate in the securitized market as investors. Investment grade rating conveys information to the investors that the underlying instrument will pay coupon interest and principal according to the terms of the indenture. Rating agencies play a pivotal role in the securitization process as the ultimate appraiser of the underlying pool of collateral. In their process of appraising and evaluating the likelihood of default by subjecting the cash flows of Continue reading
Financial Manager – Roles and Responsibilities
Ever since the 1900s and even after the Great Depression in the 1930s, the primary role of a finance people was only a descriptive discipline on bookkeeping which means accurately recording all transactions related to the payment of suppliers, billing of customers, and handling of cash passing through the accounts department and issuing periodic financial statements. Until the late 1960s increased competition in industries forced financial managers to shift their focus towards evaluating investment opportunities and making decisions on the choice of assets and liabilities necessary to maximize the company’s value. The 1970s and 80s were a period of increased international competition, CEOs became concerned with operational efficiency to cope with the fast-growing market, this included the accounting functions which were streamlined and required to reach out to become a profit center for the whole organization. This transitional shift was gradual and finance manager’s roles are no longer stuck solely Continue reading