Objectives of Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured formal interaction between a subordinate and supervisor, that usually takes the form of a periodic interview (annual or semi-annual), in which the work performance of the subordinate is examined and discussed, with a view to identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills development. In many organizations – but not all – appraisal results are used, either directly or indirectly, to help determine reward outcomes. That is, the appraisal results are used to identify the better performing employees who should get the majority of available merit pay increases, bonuses, and promotions. By the same token, appraisal results are used to identify the poorer performers who may require some form of counseling, or in extreme cases, demotion, dismissal or decreases in pay. (Organizations need to be aware of laws in their country that might restrict their capacity to dismiss Continue reading

Stages in Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining is a method by which trade unions protect and improve the conditions of their members working lives. Collective bargaining brings the employer and the employees around one table to discuss and settle many contentious issues effectively. It enables both the parties to know each other and their views, and to define their rights and obligations regarding terms of employment, working conditions, etc., through negotiations, discussions and bargains. Collective bargaining enables to conduct negotiations about working conditions and terms of employment between an employer and a group of employees or one or more employees’ organization with a view to reaching an agreement wherein the terms serve as a code of defining the rights and obligations of each party in their employment relations with one another; fix a large number of detailed conditions of employment; and during its validity, none of the matters, it deals with, can in normal circumstances Continue reading

Human Resource Planning (HRP) – Meaning, Definition, Features, Purpose, Need, Significance and Objectives

Human Resource  is the most vital factor for the survival and prosperity of the organization. The human resource  asset in a firm has the potential to appreciate the value of the firm. Though all the firms buy the same material and machines, the people in a firm make the difference in the final product. So the success of any organization mainly depends upon the quality of its human resource  and their performance. Any forward looking management will be concerned with the problem of procuring or developing adequate talent for manning various positions in the organization. The success of a human resource  planning process not only helps the organization itself, but also helps the society’s prosperity. The losses a firm suffers from inadequate human resource  planning and utilization, is a loss to the nation. When these individual losses are added up the total losses may be very significant to the economy Continue reading

Difference between Coordination and Cooperation

Co-ordination and co-operation — the two should not be confused because the two terms denote quite different meanings.  Co-operation refers to the collective efforts of people who associate voluntarily to achieve specified objectives.   It indicates merely the willingness of individuals to help each other.   It is the result of a voluntary attitude of a group of people.   Co-ordination is much more inclusive, requiring more than the desire and willingness to co-operate of the participants.   It involves a deliberate and conscious effort to bring together the activities of the various individuals in order to provide unity of action.   It requires concurrence of purpose, harmony of effort and concerted action.   It is much more than mere reconciliation of differences or avoidance of friction. Co-operation provides the foundation for co-ordination by enlisting voluntary efforts which facilitate co-ordination, but by itself it cannot guarantee co-ordination.   Co-ordination does Continue reading

Diversity Management

The world’s increasing globalization trend demands more interaction between people from a vast diverse of cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds than the past. Today, people no longer live and work in an insulated marketplace. The reality is they are now part of a worldwide (or commonly mentioned as flatten) economy with competition coming from nearly every angle of the globe. For this reason, businesses need to be open to change and accept the concept of diversity to become more creative. In daily conversation, the word of “diversity” has the meaning of differences or variety. However, in the business world and in the business textbook, diversity often refers to the many differences present among people today in workplace as well as marketplace that were not aware of by most people in the past. Diversity management is often referred as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating differences among people with respect to age, Continue reading

Job Evaluation Process

Job evaluation aims  to provide this equity and consistency by defining the relative worth of different  jobs in an organisation.  Job evaluation is a process consisting of several steps. The following are the steps in job evaluation  process: 1. Job Analysis Job evaluation process starts with the base provided by job analysis. Job  analysis identifies various dimensions of a job in two forms: job description and  job specification. Job description provides responsibilities involved in the  performance of the job while job specification provides attributes required in the  job performer. Both these taken together provide information about various  factors involved in different jobs. 2. Appointment of Committee for Job Evaluation As pointed out earlier, job evaluation is a specialized function and is  carried on by a committee consisting of members drawn from different line  departments of the organisation, outside experts, besides HR personnel. HR  person generally acts as committee convener or Continue reading