What is a Salary Survey?

The salary survey is the vehicle for relating the organisation’s salaries to those for similar jobs in other organisations. Salary survey information provides the raw material for translating job sizes into currencies, that is, for job pricing.  The survey gives information on base salaries and benefits.   This can be used by the human resource manager to calculate the organisation’s competitive position and to plan any corrective actions required.   As a first step in this process the human resource manager must identify the organisations for labor. In other words, does the organisation want to compare itself with: organisations in the same or related industries organisations in the same geographical area progressive Australian organisations multinationals organisations of a similar size in terms of sales, number of employees and so on the general community private sector companies only mix of private and public sector organisations? By answering such questions, the human Continue reading

Talent Retention Best Practices

Talent retention is not a new problem, but it seems to be ever more critical. The question of attracting the brightest and best talents is a key issue for successful companies. Today with large signing bonuses and very attractive salaries and benefits, the more perplexing question is how to best build the loyalty of the talented people. The more talents organizations retain, the more talents they’ll attract. Organizations should focus on designing a sustainable career package that supports a graduate’s continuous professional and personal development. It is important that an organization keeps track of each individual’s changing needs and priorities. This will be down to the job of a coach or a mentor who should carry the long-term and important responsibility of coaching and mentoring the graduates. Being new to the organization, graduates require continuous feedback and coaching to help them to assimilate well and be successful in their role. Continue reading

Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Individuals Behavior

Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are the two of the prominent work attitudes that seen in the work environment. Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation while organizational commitment is the strong feeling of responsibility an employee has towards the mission of the organization. Job satisfaction is simply how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their job. People can either like (satisfaction) and dislike (dissatisfaction) their job. According to Frederick Herzberg, he believed that employees can like their job because various contributions it has. These contribution involves the work itself, pay, promotions, job achievement, co-worker, supervision and benefits contribute to employees satisfy with their job. He called it motivators. If employees are not satisfied with their job then the productions of the organization with not grow. Manager will see their employees as lazy and they will assume that they don’t want to work. This Continue reading

Concepts of Compensation and Compensation Management

Concept of Compensation The literal meaning of compensation is to counter-balance. In the case of  human resource management, compensation is referred to as money and other  benefits received by an employee for providing services to his employer. Money  and benefits received may be in different forms-base compensation in money  form and various benefits, which may be associated with employee’s service to  the employer like provident fund, gratuity, insurance scheme and any other  payment which the employee receives or benefits he enjoys in lieu of such  payment. Cascio has defined compensation as follows: “Compensation includes direct cash payments, indirect payments in the  form of employee benefits and incentives to motivate employees to strive  for higher levels of productivity” Based on above description of compensation, we may identify its various  components as follows: Wage and Salary: Wage and salary are the most important component of  compensation and these are essential irrespective of Continue reading

Professionalism in Human Resources Planning

Human resource planning determines the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goals.  Human resource planning is the process for ensuring that the human resource requirements of an organization are identified and plans are made for satisfying those requirements. In human resource planning people are the most important strategic resource for an organization. Whereas HR Planning generally concerned with matching resources to business needs in the longer term, although sometime address shorter-term requirements as well. HR Planning also looks at broader issues relating to the ways in which the people are employed and developed in order to improve organizational effectiveness. So HR Planning plays an important role in strategic human resource management. Professionalism in HR planning The first part of professionalism  in HR Planning is understanding the customer, the customer requirements and providing customer satisfaction. HR is increasingly viewed as a service; a service both to employees Continue reading

Social Recruiting – Using Social Media in the Recruitment Process

Social recruiting or otherwise known as the  Social media recruitment is the next big thing on the cards. A lot of companies have started using Web 2.0 applications for recruitment purposes. Web 2.0 is the second generation Internet-based services which is different from the first generation static Web sites with little interaction. Popular Web 2.0 applications include the social media/networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc), blogs, podcasts (Podcast Alley, iTunes), video sharing sites (YouTube, FlickR), mobile apps, etc. Today LinkedIn and Facebook has become a powerful tool in recruitment. LinkedIn is a social networking website meant specifically for networking amongst working professionals. Social recruiting widens reach and helps segmentation, targeting and positioning of potential jobseekers. They also increase the accuracy of profile searches.  Instead of simply recruiting the person with the best-looking CV, social media can ensure that that person is also the best fit for the company. Big companies Continue reading