An Overview of Internet of Things (IoT)

In the 80s and 90s from the last century the world lived in age of personal computing and this computing extended to around 20 years. The internet of things term was named in that name in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, and he was the first person who used internet of things term. Internet in the beginning were used for specific people who are work in companies or banks, not any one can use the internet because it will cost him a lot of money. Since then the internet evolution every year and take a big step forward until it became a revolution in the communication. Also with the evolution of experts and screens roaming mobility moved to an age where the form of the emergence of the phone in Early 2007 launch of the new time of technology and the new age of computing. From that time until now days almost Continue reading

Data Tampering – Meaning, Types and Countermeasures

Tampering means changing or deleting a resource without authorization. A web application is an application that is accessed through a web browser over the internet. Data tampering in web applications simply means a way in which a hacker or a malicious user gets into a web site and changes, deletes or to access unauthorized files. A hacker or malicious user can also tamper indirectly by using a script exploit that is the hacker would get the script to execute by masking it as a user input from a page or as a web link. Tampering is one of the biggest security threats faced by web applications. It is used to change or edit files found in web applications which are usually used by multi-million business corporations across the world. Tampering started in the late 1980’s as a way to sabotage data or plant a malicious or destructive program to delete Continue reading

Role of Digitalization in Business Growth

Digitalization refers to the use of digital technologies to transform and automate business processes. The adoption of digitalization has played a significant role in business growth. It has revolutionized the way companies operate and engage with customers, employees, and other stakeholders. In this article, we will explore the role of digitalization in business growth and how it has transformed traditional business models. Digitalization and Business Growth Digitalization has played a vital role in business growth by enabling companies to automate processes, streamline operations, and reduce costs. One of the key benefits of digitalization is that it has enabled businesses to reach a broader audience by using digital channels such as social media, search engines, and online marketplaces. This has allowed businesses to tap into new markets and expand their customer base, resulting in increased sales and revenue. Another significant benefit of digitalization is that it has enabled businesses to improve Continue reading

Introduction to Cloud Computing

As a metaphor for the Internet, “the cloud” is a familiar cliche, but when combined with “computing,” the meaning gets bigger and fuzzier. Some analysts and vendors define cloud computing narrowly as an updated version of utility computing: basically virtual servers available over the Internet. On the other hand others go very broad, arguing anything you consume outside the firewall is “in the cloud,” including conventional outsourcing. The most common analogy to explain cloud computing is that of public utilities such as electricity, gas, and water. Just as centralized and standardized utilities free individuals from the vagaries of generating their own electricity or pumping their own water, cloud computing frees the user from having to deal with the physical, hardware aspects of a computer or the more mundane software maintenance tasks of possessing a physical computer in their home or office. Instead they use a share of a vast network Continue reading

What is 4G?

Fourth generation (4G) wireless was originally conceived by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the same organization that developed the wired Internet. It is not surprising, then, that DARPA chose the same distributed architecture for the wireless Internet that had proven so successful in the wired Internet. Although experts and policymakers have yet to agree on all the aspects of 4G wireless, two characteristics have emerged as all but certain components of 4G: end-to-end Internet Protocol (IP), and peer-to-peer networking. An all IP network makes sense because consumers will want to use the same data applications they are used to in wired networks. A peer-to-peer network, where every device is both a transceiver and a router/repeater for other devices in the network, eliminates this spoke-and-hub weakness of cellular architectures, because the elimination of a single node does not disable the network. The final definition of “4G” will have to Continue reading

NetSuite ERP Software – True Cloud ERP Platform for Any Business

The main objective of establishing a business organization is to ensure that returns from the venture are maximized. Entrepreneurs must work around the clock for the mobilization of resources and make sure that the business goals are achieved. Various mechanisms are applied to enable the accomplishment of the missions. These encompass the creation of a working environment that is favorable, the adoption of the right technology as well as ensuring that there is the provision of suitable services and products into the market. Any business organization that aims at growing and attain global recognition has to make better consideration of technological trends. Operational data is a requirement for all levels of decision-making in organizations. It is essential because it gives a comprehensive account of any transpiring aspects. The inclusion of technological solutions in the business and running of its operations enable improvement of the anticipated outcomes. Organizations have to establish Continue reading