Cryptography is defined as hiding the message to make it secret using scrambled codes. It allows the date to be changed into a code that is not legal for not permitted person and it needs to be converted back to its original message for it to become readable. Encryption and decryption are the process of cryptography. Encryption is when the readable text is converted into coded text while the decryption is where the coded text is converted into readable text. There are numerous types of cryptography but the symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography is the most used technique. 1. Symmetric-key Cryptography Symmetric-key Cryptography is also known as the private key cryptography. It is the oldest and well-known technique of cryptography. This method is simple which only requires each computer that has a code that will be encrypted by an encryption software into packets of data before it is sent across Continue reading
Information Systems Management
Blockchain Technology – Advantages and Disadvantages
In 2017, a new form of currency and heated topic came to light, Bitcoin. Soon after its emergence, Bitcoin turned into the most invested in and discussed topic. It was considered to be a future form of digital currency. Investors and debaters understood the basics of how Bitcoin operated, however, the system behind Bitcoin was unclear. Bitcoin, alike many other cryptocurrencies, uses a system called Blockchain. What is Blockchain? How does Blockchain play a role in cryptocurrency? According to, “The block chain is a shared public ledger on which the entire Bitcoin network relies.” For example, imagine an iron chain full of square blocks, each block is bind by a transaction between two parties. The blocks are added one after another in chronological order. Within this block, information from both participants is contained. Once the transaction is made, it will be displayed for the public to view. Blockchain plays a Continue reading
Case Study: Success Story of Google Search Engine
One of the most popular search engines is Google. Unknown to many, the term is coined by Milton Sirotta, the nephew of Edward Kasner who is an American Mathematician. The term is in reference with the number which is represented by the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. The same utilization of the term reflects the mission of the company to deliver immense and infinite resources to be available online. The founders of the company, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were not in good terms back then when they met as graduate students of computer science in Stanford University in 1995. They used to argue on everything that they are discussing. The strong personalities always clashed. But eventually, they have found a common ground. The retrieving of various yet important information from massive set data has been the big challenge that they were up to at that time. So, on Continue reading
File Organization Techniques
The basic technology of the data organization is based on a hierarchy. Data must be approached on an organized basis, if it is to be useful, in data processing, the hierarchy of data is described below:- A character is any simple number, alphabet or special symbol. A data record consists of a group of related data fields(e. g. Employee’s sequential record, customer record, etc.) A data field is an area that can hold one organization more characters that, together represents a specific data element(e. g. The name field, the quantity filed) A data file is a compilation of related data records maintained in some prearranged order. A database usually consists of several related organization integrated data files. A file consists of a number of records. Each record is made up of a number of fields and each field consists of a number of characters. In order to produce useful information Continue reading
Case Study on Information Systems: Premier Automotive Services Limited
The Premier Automotive Services Limited (PAS) provides services to various companies in Pune for maintaining the transport fleet run by the companies, for their use. Beside this, it runs petrol pumps and spare parts shop too. The vehicle maintained by the Premier Automotive Services are buses , trucks, and jeeps. The total strength of the Premier Automotive Services is around 300 vehicles. The services charged are of two types- fixed monthly for the routine maintenance and variable maintenance for other services like breakdown repairs, replacements, petrol or diesel consumed, etc. The company seeking the services from the PAS are satisfied if the vehicles are kept in good condition and down time is 2% of 25 days in a month. The Premier Automotive Services finds difficulty in maintaining this service level even though a large staff and sufficient inventory of spare parts are available. The probability of the company is going Continue reading
Data Warehousing and Data Mining
Organizations tend to grow and prosper as they gain a better understanding of their environment. Typically, business managers must be able to track daily transactions to evaluate how the business is performing. By tapping into the operational database, management can develop strategies to meet organizational goals. The process that identified the trends and patterns in data are the factors to accomplish that. By the way, the way to handle the operational data in organization is important because the reason for generating, storing and managing data is to create information that becomes the basis for rational decision making. To facilitate the decision-making process, decision support systems (DSS) were developed whereas it is an arrangement of computerized tools used to assist managerial decision making within a business. Decision support is a methodology that designed to extract information from data and to use such information as a basis for decision making. However, information Continue reading