Consumers is someone who buys and uses products and services. Consumers also known as customers, clients, regulars, patrons and trade. Consumers have their own demand. Consumer demand led to higher imports of manufactured good. Good services must be giving to the consumer. Seller must give good services to the consumers. Bestseller need to know what is good for consumers. In this case, seller have to make an easy way to make sure the consumers do not have any problem to buy and use product and services. Currently, technology is common to everybody. Every people know how to use a technology. Design of gadgets is increase in consumers tastes. Consumer tastes also increase in a multiplication and choice in media channels and content. Technology providers are looking for innovative ways to understand consumers. Technology providers need to know their needs, preferences, tastes and desires and how these will shape the future Continue reading
Information Systems Management
Technology Management Framework – Gregory’s Five-Process Model
The Gregory’s five-process frame work is an important technology management model, which has been proposed in 1995 by M. J. Gregory. This process has been built based on previous work on technology management. There are several elements have been identified previously link to the technology management within organizations. Competence and capability are important to be analyzed within the organization to understand the strength and weakness. They also reflect how well the organization can satisfy the customers and how fast the organization may response the market. According to this analysis, the company can identify the suitable technology strategy. Organization learning is also widely used concept in technology management. R&D development and new product introduction are the processes which technology is applied in. Innovation activities are taken to deliver the customer satisfaction. However, there is no agreed framework for technology management has been proposed. Based on the literature research on previous work Continue reading
A Holistic Approach to Technology Management
Management of technology links engineering, science, and management disciplines to address the planning, development, and implementation of technological capabilities to shape and accomplish the strategic and operational objectives of an organization. Refer to the definition of technology management, it requires collaboration of the R&D, manufacturing, service and operation function, marketing, finance, and HR function in the company. Thus a holistic approach needs to be taken to manage technology in the company. It will be divided to several reasons to explain in below paragraph and what are the benefits. Firstly, technology management involves multi-functions within the organization. In a company, not only engineering department or R&D department is responsible for technology management, all the functions within the organization are more or less related to technology. Thus technology management requires a system of integration within the organization. For example, the product development and design process has been considered as a traditional technical Continue reading
Transaction Processing Systems
The main information systems used for operational support in a business are transaction processing systems. This type of system processes data about transactions, which are events that have occurred that affect the business, such as the sale or purchase of goods. A transaction processing system has 3 main purposes: keep records about the state of an organization, process transactions that affect these records, and produce outputs that report on transactions that have occurred. For example, an inventory control system tracks records about inventory, processes sales and purchases of inventory, and produces reports about the amount and value of items on hand, on order, etc. Transaction processing systems exist in all areas of an organization, and in all types of organizations. TPSs can be used by employees (order entry) or customers (bank ATMs). They can use various types of hardware, software, and networks. TPSs use stored data in both files and Continue reading
Case Study: Situation Analysis
Jeffrey Bezos started in 1994, after recognizing that Internet usage was growing at a rate of 2,300 percent a year. Operating from a 400-square foot office in Seattle, Jeffrey launched on the Internet in July 1995. mission is to use the Internet to transform book buying into the fastest, easiest, and most enjoyable shopping experience possible. By the end of 1996, his firm was one of the most successful Web retailers, with revenues reaching $15.6 million. Almost overnight quickly became the world’s largest e-tail bookstore in the world. Amazon has continued to expand its customer base, and sales revenues have increased every year. The firm’s revenues increased from $15.7 million in 1996 to $2.76 billion in 2000 . Today, is the place to find and discover anything you want to buy online. Amazon offers the Earth’s Biggest Selection of products to 29 million people in Continue reading
Cloud Computing – Models, Architecture and Characteristics
Cloud Computing, often referred to as simply “the cloud”, is a distributed architecture that centralizes server resources on a scalable platform, enabling ubiquitous access to configurable resources and services. It provides storage and access for data over the internet instead of our computer’s hard drive. Leveraging the Internet, it provides unparalleled and distributed services based on virtualization and service-oriented architecture. Cloud is not another recent technology, but rather it can be described as a delivery model for information services using existing technologies. It does an excellent job of reducing the time spent on IT infrastructure and maintenance. Cloud presents itself as a ubiquitous, dynamically scalable, and on-demand model, that can be purchased on a ‘pay-as-you-go’ basis without any prior subscription or under/overprovisioning. Cloud Computing Models 1. Service-Based Models There are three delivery models that the cloud utilizes to provide different types of services are delivered to the end-user. All the Continue reading