Cisco Systems of San Jose, California, is a company that develops networking devices such as switches, routers, network management software, and dial- up access servers. By the mid 1990s, realizing that growth depended on our ability to scale manufacturing, distribution and other supply chain processes quickly, Cisco managers decided to reinvent its business model and turn itself into a Web-enabled company. An ‘ecosystem’ which in fact transformed the entire supply chain into an extended enterprise system based on internet technology was created in order to links customers, prospects, partners, suppliers and employees in a multi-party, multi-location electronic network. E-Business can be defined as all electronically mediated information exchanges, both within an organisation and with external stakeholders supporting the range of business processes. It links internal employees with external customers, suppliers through technology like Internet, intranets, and extranets. E-commerce, conceived as a subset of e-business, can be categorized as buy-side e-commerce Continue reading
Information Systems Management
Data Warehousing – Meaning, Benefits and Implications
What is Data Warehousing? The term data warehouse or data warehousing was first coined by Bill Inmon in the year 1990 which was defined as a “warehouse which is subject-oriented, integrated, time variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management’s decision making process”. When referring to data warehousing as subject oriented, it simply means that the process is giving information about a particular subject rather than the details regarding the on-going operations of the company. Moreover, when data warehousing was referred to as integrated it means that the data or information which are gathered from a number of sources are then all gathered to synthesize a coherent whole. On the other hand, data warehousing being time variant simply means that the data available were identified on a particular period. Lastly, data warehousing as being non-volatile means that the data is stable and when a new data is added Continue reading
Barriers To Information And Knowledge Sharing
Information and knowledge sharing has become increasingly relevant in an organization since the transfer from an industrial economy based on a hierarchical control to a global, information-driven financial system and decentralized. Information and knowledge management from human is new and very tangible as well as technological side. The problems associated with sharing information and knowledge is to be briefly informed as one of the basic activities of information and knowledge management. Changes both in community culture and in deployed technological solutions and work procedures are required by the knowledge management. This serves as an essential of interaction between technological and social subsystems which demonstrates the information that searching, storing, manipulation and sharing of enormous volume of information are enabled by IT. Moreover, the conversion of data into information with minimum time and space constraints are enabled. The crucial consequence is the fact that in information and knowledge sharing IT plays Continue reading
Operating System – Meaning, Types and Functions
Operating system is the program, which usually installed into the computer by a boot program. It manages all other programs in computer. Sometimes it also called as “OS”. These programs also called applications. The application uses the operating system by making requests for services through API (Application Program Interface). Sometimes users can directly use the operating system through GUI (Graphical Users Interface) or command language. Operating system is a program that allows you to work with hardware and software on your computer. Basically, there are two ways to use operating system on your computer. The two ways are as follows: 1. for ex., DOS, you type a text commands and computer give respond to you according to your command. This is called command line operating system. 2. With a GUI (Graphical User Interface) operating system (ex., windows). You relate with the computer through graphical user interface with pictures and buttons Continue reading
Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity Landscape and Security Challenges
IoT refers to the Internet of Things. The Internet is connected to any device (including cell phones, cars, home equipment, and other wearable devices integrated with the sensor system) so that they can exchange information with each other over a network. The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) as a network goes back to the 1980s, from where it took momentum later on to become the future of the internet. Over a couple of decades, we have seen diversified technologies in communications emerging and reflecting upon different applications and their requirements as they satisfy the needs of both personal and commercial use. Internet of Things (IoT) Connectivity Landscape The Internet of Things (IoT) landscape now involves an intense variety of accessible connectivity alternatives that need to be harmonized first across various sectors and then correctly coupled to fulfill the IoT Technical Key Performance Indicators. Internet of Things technology is Continue reading
How Does Enterprise Computing Support Business Organizations?
Nowadays Information technology has a rapid growth. Almost every day there are new ideas to improve the performance of technology. It cannot be denied that people who lives today unconsciously depends on technology. Each task did by the people gets many help from technology. For an instance, a hand phone that help us to communicate with our colleagues, the internet that serve certain time information for us and many more technology which made our daily activity become easier. At least we can follow the technology progress so that we don’t left behind. Technology has an important role both in our lives and business. A company or organization need to know about the technology to help them to running their task in easier way. They must change their manual way to the automatic one. The automatic system will help finishing several tasks easier. There are several benefits if an organization or Continue reading