Different Information Systems in Business

Information systems refer to the way in which information is gathered, customized, analyzed, shared and reported. Each information systems are invented to support these requirements of business to enable managers to take sound decisions to achieve business objectives and goals.   They often  overlaps each other with respect to functions they provide like gathering, comparing, analyzing, integrating different software applications and reporting. Each kind of information system supports this by varying degree of effectiveness. They all require costs, time, training to use hardware/software and changes to be adopted, to implement the system. 1. Executive Information Systems (EIS) Executive information system supports the top level management in taking strategic business decisions by providing information to executives. Executives can directly extract information from database of the EIS without any need to being reported. It gathers both internal and external information to support executives in achieving strategic objectives and goals. The features of Continue reading

Case Study of Zara : Application of Business Intelligence in Retail Industry

ZARA is a Spanish clothing and accessories retailer based in Arteixo, Galicia.  Founded in 24 May ,1975 by Amancio Ortega and Rosalía Mera, the brand is renowned for it’s ability to deliver new clothes to stores quickly and in small batches. Zara needs just two weeks to develop a new product and get it to stores, compared to the six-month industry average, and launches around 10,000 new designs each year. Zara was described by Louis Vuitton Fashion Director Daniel Piette as “possibly the most innovative and devastating retailer in the world.  The company produces about 450 million items a year for its 1,770 stores in 86 countries. The Zara has made of use of Information Systems (IS) and to advance in many areas. This has resulted in huge success for the company. This included application of Business intelligence (BI) involves technologies, practices for collection, integration and applications to analyze and Continue reading

An Overview of Computer Operating Systems (OS)

Many people use computers without knowing how it works. The main software when using the computer is the operating system. The operating system defines all the experience when using a computer; it manages the hardware and software resources of the computer system, provides a way for applications to deal with the hardware without having to know all the details of the hardware, and it is the software that makes all the programs we use work, and it organizes and controls the hardware on our computers. The operating system is the first software we see when we turn on the computer, and the last software we see when the computer is turned off. It’s important to know and understand that not all computers have operating systems. For example the computer that controls the microwave oven in your kitchen doesn’t need an operating system, it has only simple tasks to perform, very Continue reading

What Is Big Data?

Around the late 1990s the term “Big Data”, was launched at the Silicon Graphics Inc although it did not become a massive buzz word until 2011. Big Data can be defined as a term, used to described the huge datasets, which consist of both structured and non-structured data.  These data sets can be very complex, however with techniques and various types of tools, this can enable the collecting, storage, cleansing, extract of the data to be analyzed. The analyzed data can offer great benefits to various types of industry. There is a massive market for companies for all types of industries to know what people want.  For example, the television company might what to know what types of programs people like to watch?   This means the company could stream the data from a live feed such as Facebook or twitter.  As the internet, has grown people are now communicating at Continue reading

Types of Information Systems Used in Business

The implementation of the information system in the development of the business is most necessary now days. For most business, there are varieties of requirements for information. In every organization different level of management need different type of information for development of business. For example, senior management needs information to help with their business planning. Middle management needs more detailed information to monitor and control business activity. The employees at lower management need information to help them to perform their duties. In this global world information systems are playing important role in any organizations to meet their strategic goals. For the development of the business it very important to have good information system in each department of organization such as accounting, finance, marketing and human resource department to perform business operations. In addition, the technical terms of information system refers to the interaction between algorithmic process and the technology. The Continue reading

Database Management System (DBMS) – Components, Advantages, and Disadvantages

A Database management system (DBMS) is software designed to manage and maintain large quantities of data. The DBMS serves as the mediator between the user and the database. The database structure itself is stored as a collection of files. The data in these files can only be accessed through the DBMS. A single, integrated view of the data in the database is shown to the user by the DBMS. All application requests received by the DBMS are translated into complex operations required to fulfill these requests. The database’s internal complexity is hidden by the DBMS from the application programs and users. The application program might be written by a computer programmer using a programming language, such as Visual Basic, NET, Java, or C#, or it might be created through a DBMS utility program. Components of a Database Management System A data definition language (DDL) allows users to define the database. Continue reading