Primary dealers quote two-way prices and are willing to deal either side, i.e. they buy and sell the base currency up to conventional amounts at those prices. However, in interbank markets this is a matter of mutual accommodation. A dealer will be shown a two-way quote only if he / she extends the privilege to fellow dealers when they call for a quote. Communications between dealers tend to be very terse. A typical spot transaction would be dealt as follows: BANK A : “ Bank A calling. Your price on mark — dollar please.” BANK B : “ Forty forty eight.” BANK A : “ Ten dollars mine at forty eight.” Bank A dealer identifies and asks himself for B’s DEM/USD. Bank A is dealing at 1.4540/1.4548. The first of these, 1.4540, is bank B’s price for buying USD against DEM or its bid for USD; it will pay DEM Continue reading
International Business
International Business Management deals with the maintenance and development of a multinational operation across national borders, whose manager has the knowledge and the skills to manage and handle cross-cultural processes, stakeholders and business environments in a right way.
Promotion Component of the Global Marketing Mix and Global Promotion Strategies
Marketing communications–the promotion “P” of the marketing mix–refers to all forms of communications that organizations use to establish meaning and influence buying behavior among existing and potential customers. Marketing communications should be designed to tell customers about the benefits and values that a product or service offers. The principal forms of marketing communications that is/ the elements of the promotion mix are Advertising, Personal selling, Publicity and Sales Promotion. All of these elements can be utilized in global marketing; however, the environment in which marketing communications programs are implemented can vary from country to country. Advertising may be defined as any sponsored, paid communication placed in a mass-medium vehicle. Advertising plays a more important communication role in the marketing of consumer products than industrial products. Frequently purchased, low-cost products generally require heavy advertising support. Not surprisingly, consumer products companies top the list of big advertising spenders. Global Promotion Strategies Companies Continue reading
Role of Clearing and Forwarding (C&F) Agents in Exports
Shipping is the most commonly used method of dispatching goods to a foreign country. Under shipment, one shall cover all the procedural aspects from the time the product meant for export leaves the factory site till it is loaded on board the ship and the relevant documents are collected from the shipping company. Since the type of work involved is somewhat specialized it is usually entrusted to the clearing and forwarding agents. This section focus on role of clearing and forwarding agents in export assignment. 1. Customs Formalities Goods can be shipped out of India only after obtaining the customs clearance. To obtain the customs clearance, the clearing and forwarding agent should submit a shipping bill in the prescribed form. The shipping bill is to be prepared in quadruplicate. The shipping bills should be accompanied by the following documents. Contract with the overseas buyer in original. Invoice for the Continue reading
Standardization and Adaptation of International Business
By the growth of business when companies starts their operations in other countries they are called global or international companies, at that time of growth their business strategies that being used in their home countries are no more effective, since global business dynamics are different from local business environment and local business objectives are different from global business objectives, there is a need to have a global business strategy that is not able to achieve global business objectives but also able to make the organization perform in home country, at the same time that strategy should be able to meet short term and long term goals of the organization, while looking at goals shorts term goals can be managing cash flows, revenue targets, market share and cost management and long term goals can be having sustainable competitive advantage and brand building leading to continued profits and growth. While looking at Continue reading
Neo-Factor Proportions Theory
Extending Leontief’s view, some of the economists emphasize on the point that it is not only the abundance (scarcity) of a particular factor, but also the quality of that factor of production that influences the pattern of international trade. The quality is so important in their view that they analyse the trade theory in a three-factor framework instead of two-factor framework taken into account by Heckscher and Ohlin. The third factor manifests in the form of: Human capital: It is the result of better education and training.Human capital should be treated as a factor input like physical labor and capital. A country with human capital maintains an edge over other countries with regards to the export of commodities produces with the help of improved human capital. Skill Intensity: The skill intensity hypothesis is similar to human capital hypothesis as both of them explain the capital embodied in human beings. It Continue reading
Product Component of the Global Marketing Mix
Product is probably the most crucial element of a marketing program. To a very important degree a company’s products define its business. Pricing, communication, and distribution policies must fit the product. Its research and development requirements will depend upon the technologies of its products. Indeed, every aspect of the enterprise is heavily influenced by the firm’s product offering. In the past, managers have been prone to committing (often simultaneously) two types of errors regarding product decisions in global marketing. One error has been to fall victim to the “Not Invented Here” (NIH) syndrome, ignoring product decisions made by subsidiary or affiliate managers. Managers who behave in this way are essentially abandoning any effort to influence or control product policy outside the home-country market. The other error has been to impose product decisions policy upon all affiliate companies on the assumption that what is right for customers in the home market Continue reading