Relevance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Businesses and Organizations

The organizations have been focused towards adopting key business approaches and practices that would contribute towards their improved revenue as well as profitability in the marketplace. In order to achieve such strategic goals to revenue and operational growth, it is required by the management to identify and understand the changing market needs, as well as the stakeholder preferences and accordingly the internal business or operational strategies, are to be defined. Considering such need, it can be reflected that in the present marketplace there is a need for the business organization to focus towards the increased social preferences and need towards sustainability and societal development along with that of the business growth. The approach to sustainability ensures that the business organization have a balanced approach towards society, business as well as the environment. Further to strengthen the approach to sustainability international organizations including United Nations (UN) has defined several key sustainable Continue reading

Transformation of The European Union From a Political and Economic Union to a Monetary Union

The basis of the European Monetary Union was to build a united Europe after the World War II. This was initiated by when the European nations created the European Coal and Steel community, with a view to freeing trade in these two sectors. The pricing policies and commercial practices of the member nations of this community were regulated by a supranational agency. In 1957, the Treaty of Rome was signed by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg and the Netherlands to form the European Economic Community (EEC), whereby they agreed to make Europe a common market. While they agreed to lift restrictions on movements of all factors of production and to harmonize domestic policies, the ultimate aim was economic integration. The EEC achieved the status of a customs union by 1968. In the same year, it adopted a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), under which uniform prices were set for farm products Continue reading

Trade Theory of Independence, Interdependence and Dependence

Independence — Interdependence — Dependence Theory of International Trade tries to read trade patterns and policies of countries based on their degree of independence or dependence or interdependence on rest of the world. See this is a continuum: Independence — Interdependence — Dependence. The polar extremes are Independence at one pole and Dependence at the other. Independence stops trade, while dependence boosts trade. Independence: Independence is being self-reliant. Well one cannot be self-reliant. Yet one country may choose to be independent and the cost of such obstinacy is self-denial of life’s luxuries, comforts and necessities that can be afforded without difficulty. It may be a government policy to remain independent. This austerity could cost the country heavily. Hence governments plan independence sans difficulty for citizens. Few countries in the world maintain a vast reserve of essential minerals and even don’t touch own oil fields, so that in future if foreign Continue reading

Why Marketing Strategies of Global Companies Sometimes Fail

‘The world today is a global village’ it’s a fact. But the global village still has some tribes and it is very important to keep all the tribes happy if we need to have good relationship with all of them. Since the globe is accessible to everyone, it is also vital to design the marketing strategy and develop it in the perspective of variations in the culture, traditions, taste, weather and norms of a country. One of the most striking trends in business has been growing internationalization of the business. Companies are going global but they have to keep their customers satisfied domestically and internationally. The internationalization affected the business strategies and the companies are in the rethinking process to counter the problems in the global marketing strategies. Marketing is no exception to this. Attitude of the customers in this regard is very important for designing the marketing strategy, especially Continue reading

Mercantilism Theory of International Trade

The mercantilists proposed Mercantilism theory of international trade. They were a group of economists who preceded Adam Smith. The foundations of economic thought between 1500 and 1800 were based on mercantilism. Mercantilists believed that the world had a finite store of wealth; therefore, when one country got more, other countries had less. Mercantilists restricted imports and encouraged or subsidized exports as a conscious policy to make their citizens better off. Mercantilists judged the success of trade by the size of the trade balance. Mercantilism was a sixteenth-century economic philosophy that maintained that a country’s wealth was measured by its holdings of gold and silver. This required that the countries to maximize exports and minimize imports. The logic was transparent to sixteenth-century policy makers that if foreigners bought more goods from us than we bought from them, then the foreigners had to pay us the difference in gold and silver, enabling Continue reading

Business Environment Concept – Meaning, Definition, Features and Importance

All living creatures including human beings live within an environment. Apart from the natural environment, environment of humans include family, friends peers and neighbors. It also includes man-made structures such as buildings, furniture, roads and other physical infrastructure. The individuals do not live in a vacuum. They continuously interact with their environment to live their lives. Just like human beings, business also does not function in an isolated vacuum. Businesses function within a whole gambit of relevant environment and have to negotiate their way through it. The extent to which the business thrives depends on the manner in which it interacts with its environment. A business, which continually remains passive to the relevant changes in the environment, is destined to gradually fade-away in oblivion. To be successful business has  not only recognize different elements of the environment but also respect, adapt to or have to manage and influence them. The Continue reading