Strategic Alliances – Definition, Reasons, Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Strategic alliances can be seen as one of the fastest growing trends for business today; Alliances are sweeping through nearly every industry and are becoming an essential driver for their super growth. A strategic alliance, by definition, is a form of affiliation that involves a mutual sharing of resources for the benefit of all of the strategic partners. “Mutuality” is key. The business consideration is whether both alliance partners need each other. Strategic alliances range in size and scope from informal business relationships based on simple contracts to joint venture agreements, some times where corporations are set up to manage the alliance. Strategic alliances are cropping up across the global arena mainly due to the maturation of several trends of the 1980s, such as: intensified foreign competition, shortened product life cycles, soaring cost of capital, including the cost of research and development, and ever-growing demand for new technologies. However, strategic Continue reading

Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategic Alliances

A global perspective is necessary for businesses since it assists in the process of identifying the prevailing threats and opportunities in the contemporary marketing arena. In spite of the fact that it is necessary to safeguard a business against global competition, it is vital to note that firms should seek ways and means of penetrating into international marketplace. For example, Barnes and Nobles bookstore entered into strategic alliance with Starbucks way back in 1993. The rationale behind the partnership was to put in place in-house coffee shops, an alliance that would benefit both parties. As a matter of fact, there are myriad of opportunities that are usually created when businesses penetrate into the global market. At this point, it is often of great importance for a firm to choose the most appropriate entry mode. While there are a host of entry modes that can be chosen by a business organization, it is Continue reading

Implications for International HRM

Diversity of various types in a global company suggests that HRM practices have to be tailor-made to suit the local conditions. Such practices can be seen in the context of different HRM functions. Recruitment and Selection A global company has the following alternative approaches to recruitment and selection of employees: Ethnocentric-all key positions, in headquarters as well as subsidiaries, are staffed by parent-country nationals. Polycentric-key positions in subsidiaries staffed by host-country nationals and those in headquarters staffed by parent-country nationals. Regiocentric-key positions staffed by host-country nationals within particular geographical regions (such as continent-wise). Geocentric-key positions in headquarters as well as subsidiaries staffed by people based on merit, irrespective of their nationality. Different MNCs adopt different approaches for recruitment. For example, a survey of recruitment practices adopted by MNCs reveals that 50 per cent MNCs believe in geocentric approach while 35 per cent MNCs believe in ethnocentric approach and key functionaries Continue reading

Bills for Collection

Under Bills for Collection method of international trade payments, since a bank acts as an intermediary, the seller does not have to depend on the buyer only. But here the bank’s role is only in the process of routing the documents of transport/title along with other documents. The seller draws documents in terms of the contract that it has entered into with the buyer, hands over those documents to the bank with clear instructions as to the mode of collection- whether goods are to be delivered against payment or against acceptance of documents and a bill of exchange on the basis of which he can get payment after due date of exchange and if for instance that bill is not paid for some reason the seller can fall back on the Bill of Exchange law and can take action under that law to get payment. While the buyer does not Continue reading

Theories of International Investments

International investments mean investments beyond borders. International investments refer to investments by entities of a nation in nations other than their own. Foreign investments involve export of capital. The opportunity for International investments is directly emanating from economic reformist policies adopted by most of the countries of the world including centrally planned and command economies. Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) are vigorously pursued by the countries giving an up-thrust on investment opportunities. Broadly there are two types of foreign investment, namely, foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI). FDI refers to investment in a foreign country where the investor retains control over the investment. It typically takes the form of starting a subsidiary, acquiring a stake in an existing firm or starting a joint venture in the foreign country. Direct investment and management of the firms concerned normally go together. If the investor has only a sort of Continue reading

Pre-Shipment Inspection

Pre-shipment inspections (PSI) is defined as the certification of the value, quality, and/or identity of traded goods done in the exporting country by specialized agencies or firms on behalf of the importing country. Traditionally used as a means to prevent over-or under-invoicing, it is now being used as a security measure. Pre-shipment inspections are required when mandated by the government of the importing country. Governments assert that pre-shipment inspections ensure that the price charged by the exporter reflects the true value of the goods, prevent substandard goods from entering their country, and mitigate attempts to avoid the payment of customs duties. Pre-shipment inspections are typically performed by contracted private organizations. In most cases, importers can select from a short list of these organizations when planning inspections. However, sometimes one firm is appointed to carry out inspections for a given country on an exclusive bases.  Inspection costs are generally paid either Continue reading