Entrepreneurship Motivation among Students in India

The Indian economy was previously highly depended on agriculture; however, the current development in the industrial and service sectors requires entrepreneurship to also parallely progress, so, entrepreneurship in India requires ample motivation. Many aspects play a role in developing entrepreneurship: Educational institutions help develop requisite qualities like leadership and team spirit, help in the development of business plans, and the gaining of financial support, besides setting up TBIs and EDCs. Established businesses can help with internship, apprenticeship, and collaborations. Small scale industrial associations can also act as facilitators in prototype labs, and expositions. It is the view of a number of first generation entrepreneurs that entering into entrepreneurship demands a lot of drive and passion. Not only is the entrepreneur expected to be inspired by the idea behind the business, but business man must also have ample leadership potential in order to be able to take the responsibility in case Continue reading

Problems and Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs

Today, with the internet boom, entrepreneurs have become one of the most dynamic forces in the economy. Entrepreneurs are now driving the technology boom, which is itself driving much of the world’s economic growth. This makes entrepreneurs very important from a macro-economic perspective. They have become a broader economic phenomenon that has a major impact on the economy. As the globalism of business becomes even more widespread, this impact will be felt even more deeply. Entrepreneurs are already becoming a major force in developing nations and in the economy worldwide. The scope of what entrepreneurship involves will continue to change and evolve as the world continues to change and evolve, and yet there are some common issues of how to start a business, how to finance the business, how to run the business that within this community we can share and learn from each other. While we still have many Continue reading

5 Essential Skills Needed to Be an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs need to have a wide variety of skills to run a successful business. Unlike personal characteristics and attitudes, which can often be hard or impossible to change, entrepreneurs can acquire skills if they are willing to learn them. Additionally, they can hire people to work for them who have the needed skills. The following skills are very important if the entrepreneur want to succeed in his business: Problem solving: Every customer have to deal with problems and every entrepreneur has find solutions to them. The successful entrepreneur sees opportunities in these problems where many of the rest of us only see difficulties. A lot of time, the best new ideas come from the need to solve a problem. The entrepreneur has to be good in identifying the problem, and then has to be able to identify solutions that can be good from the customer perspective. Communication: Entrepreneurs have to Continue reading

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the Banking Sector

Competition and globalization of banking services are forcing banks to be productive and profitable. To retain High Net Worth individuals, banks should focus strongly on relationship management with customers. Innovative Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies and cutting edge software can help, to a great extent, in achieving the desired results. To provide customized services, banks are opening Personalized Boutiques which provide all the required financial needs of a customer. The entire service industry is now metamorphosed to become customer- specific. In this context, the management of customer relationship in financial services industry demands special focus. Gone are the days when customers at a bank did not mind the long serpentine queues and waited patiently for their turn with a token in their hand. In today’s Internet era, no one has the leisure to wait. In this context, online banking is assuming a great significance. Today, banking is more customer-centric, unlike Continue reading

Gender Bias in International Business

The gender bias toward women managers that exists in many countries creates hesitancy among U.S. multinational companies to offer women international assignments. Questions such as, Are there opportunities for women in international business? And should women represent U.S. firms abroad? Frequently arise as U.S. companies become more international. As women move up in domestic management ranks and seek career related international assignments, companies need to examine their positions on women managers in international business. In many cultures-Asian, Arab, Latin American, and even some European women are not typically found in upper levels of management. Traditional roles in male-dominated societies often are translated into minimal business opportunities for women. This cultural bias raises questions about the effectiveness of women in establishing successful relationships with host country associates. An often-asked question is whether it is appropriate to send women to conduct business with foreign customers. To some it appears logical that if Continue reading

Entrepreneurship Characteristics

The process of discovering new venture with creativity and innovation is called entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship requires assumption of risk and reaping of awards. It brings resources together and provides option for self-employment to an individual. Entrepreneurship also creates employment opportunity for others. Entrepreneurship is a mind set of creativity and risk taking. It is a process of identifying opportunities and bringing together factors of production to exploit these opportunities. Entrepreneurship results in creation of new venture by planning, organizing, operating and assuming the risk. It always aims for innovation, profitability and growth. The entrepreneurial spirit has appeared as the engine of economic development. Entrepreneurship has resulted in millions of new ventures in the world. Entrepreneurship has appeared as the driving force for industrial and economic development. Therefore, the interest in the concept of entrepreneurship is growing in today’s world. Entrepreneurship has the following characteristics: Creating New Venture – Entrepreneurship is concerned Continue reading