Entrepreneurs are persons who are creative and imaginative in finding ways and add them to their own wealth, power and prestige. Entrepreneurs innovate and introduce new quality of good which consumers are not familiar yet. Besides, they often launch new method of production and new market which have not been tested and existed before yet. Moreover, they also bring new source of supply of raw material or half manufactured goods. Likewise, they create monopoly position which is the carrying out of the new organisation of any industry. It is important to differentiate between two primary types of entrepreneurs to understand how economic development occurs. ‘The initiation entrepreneur” is responsible for unprecedented economic growth during 19th and 20th centuries; creating new products, new productive technologies or procedures which has not existed before. Whereas ‘the imitative entrepreneur’ is for economic advancement in developing countries today, where there is a more widespread and Continue reading
Management Articles
Risk Management Within an Organization
Risk management is a identification process of upcoming threats and danger to an organization. In an organization risk can enter through many ways, it can come from project failure, financial market, an accident in organisation such as flood, earthquake, cyclone, power failure, public health and safety and legal risk etc. Risk can be low to medium, or medium to high. It is difficult to say that an organisation can solve all the upcoming risks to the organisation like earthquake, we can just assume that earthquake can damage the business, but we cannot say how much, but there are some alternatives of upcoming threats like in power failure we can use generator to keep running the business. The purpose of risk management within an organization to identify problems before they enter and create problems in the organisation, so that risk management handling process may be planed. It is a continuous looking Continue reading
Decision Making Process in Management
Decision making process is an important part of new era management. This is the main function of management where the manager responsibility to make a best decision. Efficient decision making involve a series of steps that require the input of information at different stages of the process, as well as a process feedback. According to the rational model, the decision making process can be illustrate into six steps. The first component of decision making process is recognizing the requirement of decision. The requirement can be as a problem or opportunity. A problem can be occurs when the organization performance are below their target and unsatisfied. An opportunity will occur when the manager see the good potential to make their achievement exceed their target. Effective leaders would recognize problem situation and play a vital role in coming up with the best possible solution in the decision making process. The process of Continue reading
7 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs have in common some characteristics and skills, but anywhere there is a wide range of individuality among them. Some entrepreneurs receive formal training and skill development, while others have a natural flair for it, still others break every rule or use very unusual approaches, but still succeed. There is no recipe for becoming a successful entrepreneur, but there are certain characteristics that are associated with entrepreneurial success, here are described several important ones: Aptitude: Most people have a wide range of aptitudes-natural talents, tendencies, or capacities. Entrepreneurs can apply their aptitudes to their business ventures. Every potential entrepreneur has to analyze his aptitudes and talents, which are an important part of his starting background. Then, with practice, hard work, and education, those basic aptitudes and talents can turn the potential entrepreneur into a real business man. Risk tolerance: Risk can be defined as the possibility of failure or adverse Continue reading
Article on Indian Banking Sector- “Survival is the mother of innovation”
“Banks can provide innovation products and services to their corporate and retail customers only when creative people are in place along with latest technology. Such people might provide innovative ideas to customers and banks. By converting there acceptable ideas into reality, banks can get an edge to compete effectively in the global village. Indian banking is also changing its shape rapidly by adopting innovative technology, products and services.” Innovation is the key to success for any activity. Innovation banking is therefore not an exception. Innovation banking is possible only when we have innovative people in banking. Moreover, innovative ideas of such people have to be heard at the right time by the right people. Only then the needed encouragement and support is given to convert such innovative ideas in reality. In the past, a generation gap is considered to be with a span of at least 10 years. Whereas with Continue reading
Max Weber and Postmodernism Theory Concepts
It is not difficult to argue that Max Weber has outlived all his competitors in the classical tradition. His ideas have inspired scores of sociologists in a host of areas for more than sixty years. The contemporary vitality of these ideas is in no small measure due to the fact that he is the most prominent advocate of modernism and that he has both resisted and justified some of postmodernism’s most convincing criticisms of modern social science and society. When analysing the statement that “the fate of our times is characterized by rationalization, intellectualization and about all by the disenchantment of the world” one must look into all aspects of the 3 ways of thinking that Weber has described; rationalism, intellectualization and disenchantment. When focusing solely on the rationalism that Max Weber talks speaks about we can see a connection to the way of thinking he described in his writing Continue reading