Characteristics of Successful Ecommerce Businesses

Ecommerce had brought much change in way business. It is enabled businesses to connect with each other in new way of thinking in every area on commerce. The turnover from usual business to e-commerce has anticipated exceeding far then expected by spectator. Many companies nowadays using Ecommerce had been successfully gained more profit in their business. These companies have their own features that show them as the highly rated successful companies. Most of these companies also have good strategies in planning their business that enables them to success. Amazon is one of the most famous e-commerce companies and founded by Jeff Bezos. Today, Amazon offers everything from books and electronics to tennis rackets and diamond jewelry. According to the research conducted, Amazon attracted about over 615 million customers every year. The ability of online friendly website by Amazon is one of the key of success for this company. Another company Continue reading

Exploring the Potential Future of Cryptocurrency

It’s no secret the cryptocurrency market has been an interesting environment for traders and investors for some time now. For years, many have been discussing this landscape as a hedge alternative to traditional forex and stock purchases. What’s more, the rise of concepts like Web 3 and decentralization have increased interest significantly. If you had invested a $100 in Luna (one of many cryptocurrencies) a month ago, you’d probably be confident you were making a safe bet in an evolving environment. However, the value of this coin has fallen drastically, making $100 worth less than 5 cents. There are plenty of other examples of cryptocurrencies experiencing the same sudden crash. In a week, a range of alt-coins dropped in value by 30%. While many recovered to an extent, there was still a seven-day loss of more than $500 million. What’s Happening to the Cryptocurrency Market? The important thing to note Continue reading

The Future of Accounting Profession

In today’s business environment  professional accountants are directly responsible to their customers, companies and to the society and also they should know possible legal obligations to the stakeholders. Accounting profession is not only limited to preparing accounting statements but also involves in wide variety of functions which provides inputs to the managerial decision making. If an accounting professional is not able to perform his duty and responsibilities in satisfied level according to the universal standards it is the major liability in the hands of an accountant. Compared to other type of professions this profession has its own code of ethics hence it is dignified and respective profession which provides practical inputs for the effective decision making. In the context of professional accounting, the power and responsibility of an accountant can be justified when financial statements provides expected information according to the objectives functions especially protection of public and social interest. Continue reading

Career Development from the Perspective of an Individual Employee

Career development comprises those personal improvements one undertakes to achieve a career plan. The personnel department may sponsor these actions or they may be activities that employees undertake independent of the department. That is career development may be organizational and individual. From an organizational career standpoint, career development involves tracking career paths. In contrast, individual career development focuses on assisting individuals to identify their major career goals and to determine what they need to do to attain these goals. Each person must accept responsibility for his   own career; assess his own interests, skills and values and take the step required to ensure a happy and fulfilling career. It is unwise to leave these jobs to others. In the case of individual career development, the focus is entirely on the individual and includes his career outside the organization as well as inside. So while organizational career development looks at individuals Continue reading

Introduction to Stress Management

In today’s changing and competitive work environment, stress level is increasing both in the workers as well as the managers. As a result of this work stress, more and more managers are showing signs of chronic fatigue and burnout. Research has concluded that stressed out managers are not good for their companies or shareholders. In most cases, stress leads to reduced efficiency in even the best of individuals, which in turn leads to reduced productivity. Stress is a problem in almost all the countries of the world, irrespective of whether the economy is strong or weak. Therefore, it become very essential to include “work stress” as one of the chapters in studying human behavior, because we must know what is actually stress, what are the causes of stress, what are its consequences and then, what should be done to reduce it. Considered from an individual’s point of view, stress is Continue reading

Consequences of Stress

As is pointed out in the introducing comments on stress, stress is not automatically bad for individual employees or their organizational performance. It is the dysfunctional aspects of the high level of stress that should be and are a major concern for contemporary society in general and for effective human resource management in particular. Distress experienced by individuals has negative consequences for them, their families and for the organizations they serve. The consequences of stress can be studied under three general categories : Consequences for the Individual Stress shows itself in a number of ways. An individual who is experiencing stress may develop the following symptoms : 1. Physiological Symptoms. In the initial stages, the major concern of stress was directed at physiological symptoms. The reason was that this topic was researched by specialists in the health and medical sciences. According to the researchers high degrees of stress are typically Continue reading