General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE)

Self-efficacy can be defined as an individual’s belief concerning their ability to meet desired outcomes in life and was first introduced by Albert Bandura. Bandura sets an establishment of relationship between a person’s own perceived self-efficacy and their attempt he/she is willing to expend to face challenges and goals throughout their life, specifically cognitive, affective, and motivational. The Cognitive Social Theory was framed by Bandura and his perceived self-efficacy which then became widespread as Mathias Jerusalem and Ralf Schwarzer established the one-dimensional, universal construct of the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE). The General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) was later created by Jerusalem and Schwarzer which was developed in German in 1979. It later was adapted into 26 other languages by a various number of co-authors and was originally twenty items but was reduced to 10 in 1981. Actions can be seen as preshaped in thought and once certain actions are thought of Continue reading

Importance of Organization Culture in Business

Organizational culture is defines the different type of place an organization, this organization is for people, they will be any type of stakeholder: general manager director, employee and customer. Organizational culture is the big part of values, rules, symbols, taboos and rituals that evolve over time. It is the common feel and thinking shared by members that identifies how is the things get done in the organization. Culture drives expected behaviors internal to the organization ads well and those engaged when interacting with its outside environment. Understanding an organization’s culture helps an employee learn the line and discover whether their personality is a good fit. The greater the acceptance of key values and norms, the stronger the culture. Strong cultures are associated with employee commitment and organizational performance. The strength of culture is determined by the size of the firm, how long it has been around, intensity and turnover rate. Continue reading

Introduction to Knowledge Management Systems (KMS)

The aim of every organisation is to achieve its set goals and objectives as well as secure competitive advantage over its competitors. However, these cannot be achieved or actualized if staff or workers act independently and do not share ideas. Today, prominent businesses are becoming more aware that the knowledge of their employees is one of their primary assets. Sometimes organisational decisions cannot be effectively made with information alone; there is need for knowledge application. An effective knowledge management system can give a company the competitive edge it needs to be successful, and, for that reason, knowledge management projects should be high priority. Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) “developed to support and enhance the organizational knowledge processes of knowledge creation, storage, retrieval, transfer, and application (Alavi & Leidner, 2001) This means that for any organisation to be competitive in today’s global world there is need for combination or pooling together of Continue reading

Article on Indian Banking Sector- “Innovation in Banking”

Innovation derives organization to grow, prosper & transform in sync with the changes in the environment, both internal & external. Banking is no exception to this. In fact, this sector has witnessed radical transformation of late, based on many innovations in products, processes, services, systems, business models, technology, governance & regulation. A liberalized & globalized financial infrastructure has provided had provided an additional impetus to this gigantic effort. The pervasive influence of information technology has revolutionaries banking. Transaction costs have crumbled & handling of astronomical brick & mortar structure has been rapidly yielding ground to click & order electronic banking with a plethora of new products. Banking has become boundary less & virtual with a 24*7 model. Banks who strongly rely on the merits of ‘relationship was banking’ as a time tested way of targeting & servicing clients have readily embraced Customer Relationship Management (CRM), with sharp focus on customer Continue reading

Comparison of Japanese and Western Management Styles

The key difference between Japanese and Western management style is not one of method but of attitude and philosophy. The Japanese have studied the Western style of management, concentrating mainly on American management styles for the past 30 years and have adapted what they believed to be useful methods to their own work environment. It now appears that Western companies are studying some of the Japanese management styles, attitudes, and philosophy and have adopted areas of work ethic, which they believe to be valuable to their companies. It is necessary that Western companies study and deploy various Japanese management styles because the most important reason behind successful Japanese outcome in productivity and quality is the quality of their work force. Western companies aren’t often able to compete with Japanese companies. They must simply adjust their human relations and ways of management in order to become more competitive with not only Continue reading

Make Money with an Advertising Agency

The source of an advertising agency’s income: A manufacturer who operates out of a small and unpretentious office is often impressed (sometimes unfavorably!) by the obviously furnishings in the offices of some advertising agencies. Paying for part of the agency’s overhead, rent, payroll, etc. is naturally going to use up some of the money he spends for advertising. Should he spend his money through an agency, or should he spend that money direct and thus save the cost of the agency’s services? Questions like these are good questions, but the answer to them is often not as clear or simple as it seems. In order to answer them, attention must be focused not on the total costs of advertising agency service but on the additional costs, if any which the use of an advertising agency will involve as against the expenditure of the same number of advertising dollars on a Continue reading