Role of Innovation and Creativity to Enhance Entrepreneurship

Innovation is the process of translating invention or idea into a process, good or service that creates value for customers, government or organizations. Innovation also involve implementation of new or significantly improved product that creates value to the society. The idea must therefore satisfy a specific need in order to be regarded as innovative. The customers’ change in taste and preferences requires organization to generate new ideas that can be applied to processes, products and services to satisfy the needs and expectations of the customers. The innovation is prerequisite for business organization to create revolutionary products that create new markets. The scientific knowledge generated through experimentation studies has contributed immensely to creation of many things that has not previously been in existence. With this regard, organization need to allocate resources for research to stimulate innovation that increases competitive advantage. The IT industries producing electrical like phones, tablets, laptops and desktop Continue reading

Analytical Approaches to Cultural Factors

The reason cultural factors are a challenge to global marketers is that they are hidden from view. Because culture is learned behavior passed on from generation to generation, it is difficult for the inexperienced or untrained outsider to fathom. Becoming a global manager means learning how to let go of cultural assumptions. Failure to do so will hinder accurate understanding of the meaning and significance of the statements and behaviors of business associates from a different culture. For example, a person from a culture that encourages responsibility and initiative could experience misunderstandings with a client or boss from a culture that encourages bosses to remain in personal control of all activities. Such a boss would expect to be kept advised of a subordinate’s actions; the subordinate might be taking initiative on the mistaken assumption that the boss would appreciate a willingness to assume responsibility. 1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs The Continue reading

Stimulus Generalization and Stimulus Discrimination in Organizations

Stimulus Generalization in Organizations Stimulus generalization refers to how people recognize the same or similar stimuli in different settings. In other words, it is the process by which they can generalize a contingent reinforcement from one setting to another. Consider the plant manager of a manufacturing company who has a history of effective troubleshooting. Over the years he has been assigned to several plants, each with a serious operating problem. After successfully dealing with the difficulties, he has always received an extended vacation, a bonus and an increase in his base salary. He has learned the basic contingencies or requirements of reinforcement for his job. The stimulus is the assignment, the response is correcting problems and the consequences are several positive reinforcers. When the manager gets his next assignment, he will probably generalize from his past experiences even though he will be in a different plant with different problems and Continue reading

Brand Attributes – Meaning, Components and Importance

In order to understand the meaning and importance of brand attributes, and their contribution to the creation of memorable and attractive brands, it is important to understand the significant difference between products and brands. A product is purely a physical thing, defined by physical attributes. For example, cola is a physical product made from a combination of caramel, caffeine, sugar, carbonated water and other colors and flavors. In contrast, a brand is a defined image and name associated with a specific firm’s products, and used to differentiate these products from those of competitors. As a result, a brand effectively represents the promise of quality for consumers, and the promise that a product will meet certain standards and expectations. At the same time, a brand can also represent a conceptualization of the values that a product espouses, hence how these values can differentiate one product from another, and influence a consumer’s Continue reading

Scope of Management Control System

A management control system refers to the framework by which managers can ensure control over the actions of their subordinates as well as control over the organization as a whole. It is a total system in the sense that it embraces all aspects of the firm’s operations so that the different parts of the organization are in balance with one another. According to Anthony, “A management control system is an explicit set of activities, policies, procedures and reports intended to institutionalize the, formal aspects of the management control process.” This definition reveals that the scope of management control system is not necessarily restricted to measuring, the performance of a subordinate manager toward the achievement of an objective established for, his function. Performance evaluation is only a part of management control. Control system should not be confused with a control method, which is merely one of the many elements of control Continue reading

Role of Service Industries in Economic Growth

The pursuit of service economy, which dictates the specialization in the service industries, is one of the newest economic concepts that ensure the realization of the economic growth. The adoption of this form of economy will allow countries to transform the dimensions of their economic standards in a positive way. In this regard, countries would need to develop more service industries rather than manufacturing industries due to flexibility in the international trade. Similarly, the concept of service economy incorporates the need for improvement of services and product provision. Based on these factors, service industries should mainly focus on financial services, health, education, tourism, and distribution. The degree of mobility of these services is high, and they can be cheaply transferred from one location to another. Additionally, geographical factors do not hinder the performance of these services. As a result, industries should focus on service delivery to their customers, which increases their Continue reading