In recent years, internet is more and more popular and closely to people in a variable fields. Internet was used as a tool for helping them to connect and seeking information or advising what they need. Almost entrepreneurs also use this tool as a part of creating successfully for their business but sometimes it also creates some problem. Some negative impacts of internet on the entrepreneur venture such as security or lost productivity that make the entrepreneur take a lot of problem. However, almost impacts of internet on entrepreneurial ventures is good such as raise the capacity of accessing information through internet, increase communicate capability among entrepreneurs and others people, help to achieve the target specific venture firm, increase the efficiency of the submission process and specially support marketing strategy. Firstly, the most effective impact of internet is the security of the information. Many businesses conducted online get the trouble Continue reading
Management Concepts
Impacts of Strategic Change on Organziations
Businesses usually face the complicated process of alternating culture, leadership, values, and structure while executing strategic change. However, no matter how complex these means are, they are performed mainly to advance the company’s strategy to thrive in the future. In other words, strategic changes tend to be conducted in terms of meeting the latest trends in the industry to remain equal with rivaling businesses of a similar sphere. Thus, before implementing such alternation, it is vital to analyze the possible impacts on the other parts of the company operating. Firstly, it is significant to start changes when the business is thriving and not in a crisis. Specifically, any alternations take a considerable amount of effort and funds; hence it might be impossible to perform them with the deficiency of at least one factor. Every employee should be involved in the process of a proper transformation execution and not only top Continue reading
Attributes of Sound Performance Measurement System
Multinational Enterprises need to measure performance of all its organizational participants/elements and subsidiaries. Efficacy of organizational control depends on efficient measurement of performance. A right selection of a range of performance measures which are appropriate to a particular company/context is needed. This selection ought to be made in the light of the company’s strategic intentions which will have been formed to suit the competitive environment in which it operates and the kind of business that it is. There are at least three major attributes expected of any good performance measurement system. These are: Reliability, Validity and Objectivity. Each characteristic is examined in detail. 1. Reliability Reliability of a measurement mechanism refers to the dependability or consistency of the measures provided by it. It refers to “the accuracy of the data in the sense of their stability, repeatability, or precision” There are two ways of looking at dependability. One is comparability Continue reading
Leader’s Role in Being a Catalyst for Organization Change
It takes considerable amount of effort and time to set up an organization and get into particular mode of operation. In order to sustain and continuously climb up the ladder of growth, companies need to be lean, flexible and ready to change constantly to implement new processes, introduce or close down particular product lines, incorporate faster technologies, make strategic shifts and decisions thus stimulating creativity, learning, diversity and growth. While the change is inevitable and its need being clearly understood, resistance and adverse affects are also likely to emerge. The important factor in execution of a successful change is that it should be properly planned/ focused along with a high degree of commitment Leadership. A Leader for any organization can be identified as a Spark plug who, because of high energy, good communication and motivational skills, and a can-do attitude, helps realizing important objectives. The leader is the catalyst that Continue reading
Theories of Motivation: Alderfer’s Existence-Relatedness-Growth (ERG) Model
Serious doubts have been expressed about the existence of the five distinct need categories, which Maslow hypothesized. There seems to be some overlapping between esteem, social, and physiological needs. Also, the lines between esteem, social, and self-actualization needs are not entirely clear. With these points in mind, Clayton Alderfer condensed Maslow’s five need categories into three sets: The existence Needs: Over here material existence requirements are mentioned. This group is the same as what has been called by Maslow physiological and safety needs. In an organizational context the existence needs are satisfied by money earned in a job and spending them to obtain foods, clothing, shelter etc. Relatedness Needs: An employee desire to maintain important interpersonal relationships with pears, superiors and subordinates in work context can be termed as relatedness needs. Relatedness for an employee in an organization context includes the need to interact with peers, receive recognition from the Continue reading
Coping with Stress at Work place
With the rapid advancement of technology, the stresses faced at work have also increased. Many people dread going to work, hence the term “Monday Blues”. What is the reason for this? There is partly the fear from being retrenched in bad times, leading to greater job insecurity on the part of those who remain. Undoubtedly, occupational stress is one of the most commonly cited stressors faced by people all over the world. Stress refers to the pressure and reactions to our environment which results in psychological and physical reactions. Whilst some stress is good for motivation and increasing efficiency, too much stress can result in negative impacts such as reduced effectiveness and efficiency. More and more people are feeling isolated and disrespected at work, and this has led to greater occupational stress. Many companies have taken to consulting experts and professionals on ways to increase connectedness and motivation of their Continue reading