Personal power is power that resides with an individual, regardless of his or her position in the organization. Someone usually exercise personal power through rational persuasion or by playing of followers identifications with him or her. An individual with personal power often can inspire greater loyalty and dedication in followers than someone who has only position power. The stronger influence from the fact that the followers are acting more from choice than from necessity and thus will respond more readily to request and appeals. Of course the influence of a leader who relies only on personal power is limited, because followers may freely decided not to accept his or her directives or orders. The distinctions between formal and informal leaders are also related to position and personal power. A formal leader will have, at minimum, position power. And an informal leader will similarly have some degree of personal power. Just Continue reading
Management Concepts
Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Motivation
Transformational leadership in its leadership style has effectively built trust between employees and management and this usually lead to a smooth and pleasant working relationship that does not give room to suspicion in case of any change in policy or organisational change. Employees trust the leadership and they in turn are committed and loyal to the organisation. The employee is in a perfect emotional state of mind, since there is no fear of unknown or any need to panic. However, the trust sometimes could lead to exploitation since leadership knows that employees so rely on every of their judgement this but its been argued that the integrity of the transformational is to ensure the individual development of the employees. This leadership cares and is concerned about the employees and also inputs the company’s value in the mind’s of employee and constantly reminds them of the vision and goal to the Continue reading
Effect of Motivation on Employee Productivity
Employee motivation has always been a central problem for leaders and managers. Unmotivated employees are likely to spend little or no effort in their jobs, avoid the workplace as much as possible, leave the organization if given the opportunity and produce low quality work. On the other hand, employees who feel motivated to work are likely to be persistent, creative and productive, turning out high quality work that they willingly undertake. Organizational performance at individual, collegial and organization levels are being jeopardized and subjected to various organizational changes. Specifically, as developed organizations became larger, more multifaceted and more challenging, concerns about organizational performance competencies development and how it could likely to impact culture and direction of the organization have been in the forefronts of business dialogues. There had been much to say about the role of motivation and their expansion but very little has been done on developing motivation-based performance Continue reading
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – Definition, Benefits and Challenges
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as the name suggests, the primary focal point is placed on the customer. The key objective is to increase customer value over time by increasing customer loyalty. If a company develops better customer relationships, it also improves business processes as well as its profits. In general, CRM is a more efficient automated method used to connect and improve all areas of business to focus on creating strong customer relationships. All forces are coupled together to save, improve, and acquire greater business to customer relationships. The most common areas of business that are positively affected include marketing, sales, and customer service strategies. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps create time efficiency and savings on both sides of the business spectrum. Through correct implementation and use of CRM solutions, companies gain a better understanding of their strongest and weakest areas and how they can improve upon these. Therefore, customers Continue reading
Planning Function of Management – Definition and Features
Planning is the process of deciding in advance what is to be done, who is to do it, how it is to be done and when it is to be done. It is the process of determining a course of action, so as to achieve the desired results. It helps to bridge the gap from where we are, to where we want to go. It makes it possible for things to occur which would not otherwise happen. Planning is a higher order mental process requiring the use of intellectual faculties, imagination, and foresight and sound judgment. Accounting to Koontz, O’Donnell and Weihrich, “planning is an intellectually demanding process; it requires the conscious determination of courses of action and the basing of decisions on purpose, knowledge and considered estimates. Planning is a process, which involves anticipation of future course of events and deciding the best course of action. It is a Continue reading
Management and Social Responsibility
There are many thinkers who have supported this, but there are others who have expressed their opinion both sides are given as under: Arguments for social responsibility: Manager should have social responsibility for the people. Because manager is a person who is very skilled, if he will take interest in the social functions or problem, it will create a good impression on other people living or working under him it will motivate the sub-ordinates working under him. Thus, it creates a favorable impression on the society, which will ultimately helps the business. Managers have a creative and also communicative skill. As their main task is to have the cordial relations with people inside the organization or outside the organization. The had to interact with his subordinates, superiors and other members relating to business. So, the managers are very creative and if they will take part in social problems, the society Continue reading