Introduction Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the process of integrating all the business functions and processes in an organization to achieve numerous benefits. First, a single point of data entry helps to reduce data redundancy while saving employee’s time in entering data, thereby reducing labor and overhead costs. Second, the centralization of information, decision-making, and control leads to increases in efficiencies of operations and productivity, as well as coordination between departments, divisions, regions, and even countries. This is especially true for multinational corporations (MNC), in which global integration could result in better communications and coordination around the world. The global sourcing and distribution of parts and services could also provide appropriate benchmarks for operations around the world. Third, the sharing of a centralized database provides business managers with accurate and up-to-date information to make well informed business decisions. Further, it reduces data redundancy while improving data integrity at the same time. Fourth, functional integration Continue reading
Management Information Systems
IT Tools and Technologies for Managers
1. Customer-Focused e-Business A key strategy by managers for becoming a successful e-business is to maximize customer value. This strategic focus on customer value recognizes that quality rather than price becomes the primary determinant in a customer’s perception of value. A Customer-Focused e-business, then, is one that uses Internet technologies to keep customer loyal by anticipating their future needs, responding to concerns, and providing top quality customer service. Such technologies like intranets, the Internet, and extranet websites create new channels for interactive communications within a company, with customers, and with suppliers, business partners, and others in the external business environment. Thereby, encouraging cross-functional collaboration with customers in product development, marketing, delivery, service and technical support. A successful Customer-Focused e-business attempts to ‘own’ the customer’s total business experience through such approaches as: Letting the customer place orders directly, and through distribution partners Building a customer database that captures customers’ Continue reading
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Standards and Specifications
Electronic Data Interchange Standards Generally speaking, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is considered to be a technical representation of a business conversation between two entities, either internal or external. Note, there is a perception that “EDI” consists of the entire electronic data interchange paradigm, including the transmission, message flow, document format, and software used to interpret the documents. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is considered to describe the rigorously standardized format of electronic documents. The Electronic Data Interchange standards were designed to be independent of communication and software technologies. EDI can be transmitted using any methodology agreed to by the sender and recipient. This includes a variety of technologies, including modem (asynchronous, and bisynchronous), FTP, Email, HTTP, AS1, AS2, WebSphere MQ, etc. It is important to differentiate between the EDI documents and the methods for transmitting them. While comparing the bisynchronous protocol 2400 bit/s modems, CLEO devices, and value-added networks used to Continue reading
Data Processing Methods
1. Batch Processing. Batch processing is a technique in which data to be processed or programs to be executed are collected into groups to permit convenient, efficient, and serial processing. It is the simplest form of data processing. With this method, data is entered to the information flow in large volumes, or batches. That is, the processing by computer is performed periodically, at specified time intervals (weekly, monthly, etc) when large volumes are accumulated. Daily transactions in a business establishment, for example, may be batch processed on a weekly basis. Instead of being processed periodically when a sufficient volume has been accumulated. Advantages of batch processing are: Economical when a large volume of data must be processed and The most appropriate method for those applications (e.g., payroll) where the delay caused by accumulating data into batches does not reduce the value of the information. Limitations of batch processing are: It Continue reading
Case Study on MIS: Information System in Restaurant
Case Summary: A waiter takes an order at a table, and then enters it online via one of the six terminals located in the restaurant dining room. The order is routed to a printer in the appropriate preparation area: the cold item printer if it is a salad, the hot-item printer if it is a hot sandwich or the bar printer if it is a drink. A customer’s meal check-listing (bill) the items ordered and the respective prices are automatically generated. This ordering system eliminates the old three-carbon-copy guest check system as well as any problems caused by a waiter’s handwriting. When the kitchen runs out of a food item, the cooks send out an ‘out of stock’ message, which will be displayed on the dining room terminals when waiters try to order that item. This gives the waiters faster feedback, enabling them to give better service to the customers. Continue reading
E-Business Models
The term E-business (electronic business) is similar to terms like e-mail, e-commerce, helping not only in buying, selling but also in servicing customers and collaborating with business partners. Today, major corporations are rethinking their businesses in terms of the internet and its new culture and capabilities. Companies are using web to buy parts and supplies from other companies, to collaborate on sales promotions, and to do joint research. Exploiting the convenience, availability, and world-wide reach of the Internet, many companies, have discovered how to use the Internet in a better way. After the first wave of e-business, ‘bricks and clicks’ businesses — those with both a traditional and e-commerce approach — find that, while they already have sound financial resources, they, too, must find the right e-business model(s) for generating profitable revenue streams from the Internet. In terms of operationalising the e-business strategy a variety of e-business models are now Continue reading