This is a new century, the brand concept, with the characteristics of faith, extended sensory perception. From the beginning of brand development and lead to the future of brand management of ‘all-round selling points’ – each brand has its own identity, message, shape, rituals and traditions, are to convey this recognition. Make good use of the concept of sensory branding into all-round new ways of marketing communication. We often use a ‘brand pyramid’ of strategic thinking tools, to the deduction to find out how to connect between the consumer and the brand, associated, and in a behavioral science theory, ‘the driving force of human nature’ to interpret the impact of human behavior primitive instincts. This is derived from human behavior scientist Morris (Desmond Morris) of the study, as well as his in the ‘Naked Ape’ (The Naked Ape) a book on human primitive deep study animal behavior. The original driving Continue reading
Marketing Management
Marketing management combines the fields of marketing and management. Marketing consists of discovering consumer needs and wants, creating the goods and services that meet those needs and wants; and pricing, promoting, and delivering those goods and services. Doing so requires attention to six major areas – markets, products, prices, places, promotion, and people. Management is getting things done through other people. Managers engage in five key activities – planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Marketing management implies the integration of these concepts.
Advertising Response Models
Advertising, being a form of mass communication, reaches numerous people simultaneously. Because it is highly visible and touches our lives, almost everyone has some pet views about it. Advertising produces both intended and unintended results. The intended results serve the objectives of the advertiser such as increasing brand awareness or producing profitable sales. Roland Berman has made the following observations “Advertisements do more than inform or persuade. They eloquently translate feelings and opinions. Through advertising and the media we receive an enormous amount of silent information: how to act in relation to people, property and ourselves. And that information is a barometer, attuned to social change.” (Roland Burman, “Advertising and Social Change,”Advertising Age, April 30, 1980, p. 18.) Much has been researched and written about how advertising works and the effects it produces. However, at the very outset, it is important to appreciate that the nature of subject is such Continue reading
What is National Advertising?
The term national advertising has a special connotation that it is not confined to any geographic area within the nation. This type of advertising is undertaken mostly by the marketer of a branded product or service sold through different outlets in the distribution channel, wherever they may be located. Apparently the term national advertising conveys mass marketing effort. In reality this does not necessarily mean that the product is sold nationwide. The objective of national advertising is to inform or remind consumers about a company or brand. The ad may intend to communicate brand features, benefits, advantages or uses and to create or reinforce its image so that the consumers will be predisposed to buy it. This type of advertising is done by a manufacturer and is in contrast to that done by a retailer whose objectives are totally different. National advertising often identifies a specific target audience and attempts Continue reading
Branding of Services
Branding for Service Industries Although the principles for branding of goods and services are generally the same there occur some differences. These arise from the different natures of both categories. The main differences that influence branding policies are that services; Have a changing level of quality, The consumer has to become involved in the consumption of a service actively, They are intangible and not storable. When a brand in general gives the consumer more confidence in his choice this is even more important for services. Their quality and other features are more difficult to asses. Because of their intangibility and complexity it is harder for the customer to distinguish between the offers from the wide range of service companies are working in the market place. Brand Structures for Services Industries As for services, marketers use the companies name – a so called corporate brand – as the overall family brand Continue reading
Persuasion in Advertising
The major objective of advertising inherent in the presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services is to achieve predetermined objectives through persuasive communication, precipitating the change or reinforcement of desired attitude or behavior. “It is not neutral; it is not unbiased”: Yes, advertising is not neutral or unbiased. All ads that appear are controlled by the advertiser and are intended to serve the advertiser’s interest in some way. Advertising has gained much attention because it is the best known and most widely discussed form of promotion and a very important promotional tool. There are several reasons for this. It can be a very cost-effective method to reach a large audience. It can also be used to create images and build symbolic meanings for a company or brands. It is an important feature for companies dealing in products or services that are difficult to differentiate on functional attributes. Advertising alone, Continue reading
Sales Promotion in Marketing
Promotion is an umbrella term that describes all of the activities considered necessary for marketing communication. Promotional plan covers all phases of communication between the seller and the potential consumer. It addresses advertising and sales promotion and other forms of promotion. Sales promotion has grown in importance for all the retailers worldwide. There is a rapid growth of sales promotion which is due to rise in advertisements and pricing; because of the clutter of various commercial messages has made the sales promotional substantial, thus it helps to make the difference among these commercials in the market and focuses on the promotions to reach the target audience. Sales promotion is a composite of activities that round out the advertising and personal selling components of business. Sales promotion is an initiative undertaken by organizations to promote increase in sales, usage or trial of a product or services. Sales promotion is an important Continue reading