The success of advertisement depends very much upon the copy of advertisement. The main aim of the advertisement is to attract the customer and create an urge to possess that product. If the advertisement does not fulfill this objective, the expensive advertisements are useless. Hence, the advertisement copy should be drafted very carefully. The person who drafts the advertisement copy must be thoroughly acquainted with the mental process. He should be imaginative enough to think of words and patterns which would produce the desired effect on the prospective customer. An effective copy of advertisement should posses the following characteristics, qualities or values: Attention Value: An Advertisement copy must attract the attention of the potential consumers. If it fails in this mission, the money and efforts go waste, for everything else follows this. The copy should be drafted, planned and displayed so ingeniously that it may compel even the most casual Continue reading
Marketing Management
Marketing management combines the fields of marketing and management. Marketing consists of discovering consumer needs and wants, creating the goods and services that meet those needs and wants; and pricing, promoting, and delivering those goods and services. Doing so requires attention to six major areas – markets, products, prices, places, promotion, and people. Management is getting things done through other people. Managers engage in five key activities – planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Marketing management implies the integration of these concepts.
Service Organizations
An organization providing intangible services rather than tangible goods is termed as Service organization. In the standard industrial classification, service organizations include hotels, restaurants and other lodging and eating establishments, barber shops, beauty parlors and other personal services, repair services, motion picture, television and other amusement and recreational services, legal services and accounting, engineering, research/development, architecture and other professional organization. Service organizations also includes educational organizations, banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions. Also government agencies and most other non-profit organizations are service organizations. Characteristics of Service Organizations Quantity Measurement: It is easy to keep track of the quantity of tangible goods, both during the production process and when the goods are sold, but it is not easy to measure the quantity of many services. We can measure the number of patients that a physician treats in a day, for example, and even classify these visits by type of complaint, Continue reading
Objections Against Advertising
Economic objections against Advertising The criticisms leveled against modern advertising on economic grounds can be summarized as follows: Advertising creates monopolistic tendencies: It is argued that skillful and forceful advertising tends to create semi-monopolies particularly for branded goods. Their plea is that the advertisements create new demands so that one product is preferred to the exclusion of others. But this allegation is baseless. Monopoly is not possible in a competitive market. Advertising stimulates competition. Very often many small advertisers complete successfully against the bigger traders. Advertising is unproductive: It is often argued that advertising is unproductive since it does not produce any tangible products. This argument is also worthless. All productive work need not result in tangible goods. Effective advertisement creates demand for the product and thereby stimulates production. It is indeed a valuable service to the producer. Thus, advertising is an economic necessity. Advertising compels the consumers to buy: Continue reading
Major Classifications of Advertising
First of all it is quite necessary to understand the true meaning of advertising in the business terminology. Advertising is a tool of marketing for sales promotion and product awareness to customers. It is a one type of message by such mediator, presentation as well as promotional offer by a firm which can be paid and public announcement. Advertising is a component of marketing system. It deals with the awareness of customers regarding new product or some features about the existence product. It is quite important step for marketing leaders because it involves strategy selection, expenditure analysis and advertising media selection. It is the most expensive strategy among all marketing systems. Advertising is the tool of spreading information widely by some non-personal means by the paid media where the information is transferred about the organisation that pays the money for media. The message is carried out by different Medias. Adverting Continue reading
An Introduction to Branding
The term brand means different things to the different roles of buyer and seller, with buyers generally associating brand with a product or service, and merchants associating brand with identity. Brand can also identify the company behind the specific product — that’s not just a biscuit, that’s Britannia biscuit. This use of brand puts a “face” behind the name, so to speak, even if the “face” is the result of advertising copy and television commercials. This use of brand also says nothing of quality, just the buyer’s exposure to the brand’s PR and media hype. For the typical merchant, branding is a way of taking everything that is good about the company — positive shopping experience, professionalism, superior service, product knowledge, whatever the company decides is important for a customer to believe about the company — and wrapping these characteristics into a package that can be evoked by the brand Continue reading
SERVQUAL Model for Measuring Service Quality
Quality is the key to achieving customer satisfaction. Quality is a dynamic state associated with products, services, people and environments that meets or exceeds expectations. Quality is also rapidly embracing the nature or degree of impact an organization has of its stakeholders, environment and society. In the service industry, definitions of service quality tend to focus on meeting customers needs and requirements and how well the service delivered meets their expectations. In order to deliver and maintain service quality, an organization must first identify what it is that constitutes quality to those whom it serves. The key to ensuring good service quality is meeting or exceeding what customers expect from the service. It was clear to us that judgements of low and high quality service depend on how customers expect from the service. It was clear to us that judgments of high and low service quality depend on how customers Continue reading