When a firm introduces a new product, it has three main choices as to how to brand it: It can develop a new brand, individually chosen for the new product. It can apply, in some way, one of its existing brands. It can use a combination of a new brand with an existing brand. A brand extension is when a firm uses an established brand name to introduce a new product. When a new brand is combined with an existing brand, the brand extension can also be called a sub-brand. An existing brand that gives birth to a brand extension is referred to as the parent brand. If the parent brand is already associated with multiple products through brand extensions, then it may also be called a family brand. In line extension, the parent brand is used to brand a new product that targets a new market segment within a Continue reading
Marketing Management
Marketing management combines the fields of marketing and management. Marketing consists of discovering consumer needs and wants, creating the goods and services that meet those needs and wants; and pricing, promoting, and delivering those goods and services. Doing so requires attention to six major areas – markets, products, prices, places, promotion, and people. Management is getting things done through other people. Managers engage in five key activities – planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Marketing management implies the integration of these concepts.
Brand Equity – Meaning, Definition and Components
What is Brand Equity? There is no universally accepted definition of brand equity. The term means different things for different companies and products. However, there are several common characteristics of the many definitions that are used today. From the following examples it is clear that brand equity is multi-dimensional. There are several stakeholders concerned with brand equity, including the firm, the consumer, the channel, and some would even argue the financial markets. But ultimately, it is the consumer that is the most critical component in defining brand equity. Some researchers in the field of marketing have defined brand equity as follows: Lance Leuthesser (1995) writes that “… brand equity represents the value (to a consumer) of a product, above that which would result for an otherwise identical product without the brand’s name. In other words, brand equity represents the degree to which a brand’s name alone contributes value to the Continue reading
Methods of Marketing Research
Marketing research is a systematic and objective study of problems pertaining to the marketing of goods and services. It is applicable to any area of marketing. Research is the only tool an organization has to keep in contact with its external operating environment. In order to be proactive and change with the environment simple questions need to be asked: What are the customer needs and how are they changing? How to meet these changing needs? What do the customers think about existing products or services? What more are they looking at? What are the competitors doing to retain customers in this environment? Are their strategies exceeding or influencing yours? What should you do to be more competitive? How are macro and micro environmental factors influencing your organisation? How will you react t this environment? Methodologically, marketing research uses four types of research designs, namely: Qualitative marketing research — This is Continue reading
Magazine Advertising – Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages
Magazines published in the latter half of the nineteenth century were targeted towards special interest audiences and carried very little advertising. Most magazines of this time were either literary, or religious in content. Before the advent of radio, magazines were an important advertising medium for many businesses. Magazines are considered as the most specialized of all the advertising media. The magazine industry has often been described as “survival of the discriminating.” The number of magazines has increased steadily to serve the educational, informational, entertainment and other specialized needs of consumers, business and industry. Availability of a wide variety of magazines makes them quite an appealing medium to a very large number of advertisers. Magazine advertising is equally popular among large and small companies. Their high interest readers are usually willing to pay a premium for the magazines. As pointed out earlier, the role of magazines is different in the media Continue reading
Advertising – Definition, Objectives and Importance
Definition and Meaning of Advertising The word advertising originates from a Latin word advertise, which means to turn to. The dictionary meaning of the term is “to give public notice or to announce publicly”. Advertising may be defined as the process of buying sponsor-identified media space or time in order to promote a product or an idea. The American Marketing Association, has defined advertising as “any form of non-personal presentation or promotion of ideas, goods or services, by an identified sponsor.” What Advertisement Is? Advertisement is the process of mass communicating of information intended to persuade buyers to by products with a view to maximizing a company’s profits. The elements of advertising are: It is a mass communication reaching a large group of consumers. It makes mass production possible. It is non-personal communication, for it is not delivered by an actual person, nor is it addressed to a specific person. It Continue reading
Top Reasons for the Importance of Integrated Marketing Communications
More Contact Points Traditional mass media such as radio and TV is used to be a way to advertising a product, brand or service. This type of promotional strategy only can transmit the information to some of the target customers but not all. Therefore, Integrated Marketing Communication is a form of promotional strategy where all the promotional strategies are integrated so that the company able to transmit the message to all the target customers and also the customers can interact with the company brand in many ways. For example, a customer may have heard about one restaurant from their friend which they had been go there before and had a great experience dining at there. After that, the customer goes online to search information about that restaurant which include the menu and price and also make reservations. When the days come, your restaurant have to notice how cozy the place Continue reading