The Concept of Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Most entrepreneurial firms are started with finding the opportunities. The opportunity is very importance. It is a favorable set of circumstances that creates the need for a new product, service, or business idea. An opportunity has four essential qualities: it is attractive, durable, timely and anchored in a product, service or business that creates or adds value for its buyer or end user. The entrepreneurs usually use three ways to identify an opportunity. There are observing trends, solving a problem and finding gaps in the marketplace. Entrepreneurial opportunities as situations in which new goods, services, raw materials, markets and organizing methods can be introduced through the formation of new means, ends, or means-ends relationships. These situations do not need to change the terms of economic exchange to be entrepreneurial opportunities, but only need to have the potential to alter the terms of economic exchange. In addition, unlike optimizing or satisfying Continue reading

Corporate Social Responsibility as a Source of Competitive Advantage

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means that a corporation should be held accountable for any of its actions that affect people, their communities and their environment; it may require a company to forgo some profits if its social impacts are seriously harmful to the corporation’s stakeholders or if its funds can be used to promote a positive social good. Tougher competition recently has compelled the firms to adopt something that is different from their rivals and has also put a pressure on the firms to examine their philanthropy and other social activities, by doing so the company can sometimes achieve a strategic advantage over its competitors. There is a business case for CSR but it is much less important or influential than many proponents of civil regulation believe, CSR is best understood as a niche rather than a generic strategy: it makes business sense for some firms in some areas in Continue reading

Objectives and Scope of Internal Audit

Internal audit is and self-governing assessment function established by the management of an organisation for the review of the internal control system as a service to the organisation. It separately examines, evaluates and reports on the sufficiency of internal control as a involvement to the correct, economic and successful use of resources Scope of Internal Auditing The possibility of internal auditing currently embraces wider concepts of community governance: risk and power – recognizing that organize exists within an organization basically to manage risk and advance valuable governance  . The most significant vary is that the internal auditors are estimated to modify their mindset: from faultfinders to advisers. Internal auditors should take care of the auditee as their consumer. As with a client, the internal auditor should obviously communicate with the auditee, engage management in the audit development process, consider organizational risks that are prospective areas of audit anxiety, work with Continue reading

Emotional Quotient (EQ) Vs. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) – Which One Is More Important?

Intelligence is a term that is difficult to define, and it can mean many different things to different people. Intelligence is often defined as the general mental ability to learn and apply knowledge to manipulate your environment, as well as the ability to reason and have abstract thought. In education, Intelligence is defined as the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or challenging situations. In psychology, it is the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one’s environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria; for example IQ test. It is thought from deriving a combination of inherited characteristics and environmental such as developmental and social factors. General intelligence is often said to comprise various specific abilities like verbal ability, ability to apply logic in solving problems. There are two types of intelligence quotients: emotional and intelligence quotient. Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ) is Continue reading

Change Agents in Organizational Change

Organizations and their managers must recognize that change, in itself, is  not necessarily a problem. The problem often lies in an inability to effectively  manage change : not only can the adopted process be wrong, but also the  conceptual framework may lack vision and understanding. Why is this the case?  Possibly, and many practicing managers would concur, the problem may be  traced to the managers’ growing inability to approximately develop and  reinforce their role and purpose within complex, dynamic and challenging  organizations. Change is now a way of life; organizations, and more importantly  their managers, must recognize the need to adopt strategic approaches when  facing transformation situations. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s organizations,  both national and international, strived to develop sustainable advantage in both  volatile and competitive operating environments. Those that have survived,  and/or developed, have often found that the creative and market driven  management of their human resources can Continue reading

Business Strategy Games

The Business Strategy Game is a hands on learning exercise that will give managers valuable decision-making practice and develop powers of business judgment.   Business strategy games involving management process before confirming the decision to be made. Lesson learned taken from the business game, from the process and the content from the case (industry and situation & condition of the business) is used for decision making. Various processes involved in business strategy games are; Management Process Planning was the first process taken. Reading and understanding the relevant information was necessary and plays a significant role in planning process. Expectation was established in the planning, and followed stepping process until all aspects have been determined, including all distinctiveness in production (capacity, model, etc.), transportation (shipping), labor, etc. Planning is critical, and it was indicated in the business strategy games, in which it required quite some time to achieve an agreement. Time Continue reading