Managing Leadership in Organizations

Basically, leadership is getting people to follow you. The moral and ethical considerations of leading are beyond the scope of this article, but their importance cannot be overstated. Unfortunately, much leadership is designed around a control/authority model. Many leaders, even the brightest, figure out what has to happen with things in the company, tell people what is needed for the desired results and then expect things to happen-a gross simplification of the process. You would be surprised how many leaders lead this way. In light of the psychological reality that people only do what they want to do, the current approach means that people follow and work only as hard as is necessary to avoid the consequences of disobedience. However, leadership can be a whole lot more than charting out a business strategy that others happen to follow. The most skilled leaders ask themselves, “What can I say or do Continue reading

10 Common Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is itself a process through which the entrepreneur allocate the resources available to the business in a way or in other words in a systematic manner that the entrepreneur can meet the requisites of the business and achieve the objectives of the business as well as of his own. Now a days businesses are being done on large scale or more businesses are being run in one organization therefore, the executive management or the entrepreneurs has to adopt the ways and system through which they can not even secure their time but to save their resources from drain. Entrepreneurship is the process of innovation that reallocates resources to new opportunities, often creating new opportunities through unusual combination of resources and skills of risk taking. The entrepreneurs some time has to face the problems because they prepare their plans personally and create innovations and believe that they are doing the Continue reading

Industrial Espionage

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines industrial espionage as “an individual or private business entity sponsorship or coordination of intelligence activity conducted for the purpose of enhancing their advantage in the marketplace.” While this definition may imply Industrial Espionage to be more or less the same as business or competitive intelligence, but there is an essential difference between the two – while business intelligence is generally under private sponsorship using an “open” methodology, espionage may be either government or privately sponsored and clandestine. Industrial Espionage is the process of collecting information and data for the purpose of generating revenue. Generating revenue is very important aspect for these people. They are not thrill seeker, if the compensation does not justify the reward they will not bother attempting to collect the required information. Individuals who commit Industrial Espionage are not looking for information for information sake, but for information that will Continue reading

Organization Development Interventions

Organization Development Interventions  refer to various activities which consultant and client organization perform for improving organizational functioning by enabling organization members to better manage their team and organization cultures. French and Well have defined Organization Development  interventions as “sets of structured activities in which selected organizational units (target groups or individuals) engage with a task or a sequence of tasks where the task goals are related directly or indirectly to organizational improvement. Interventions constitute the action thrust of organization development; they make things happen and are what is happening.” Organizational Development Intervention Techniques Sensitivity Training: Sensitivity training is a small-group interaction under stress in an unstructured encounter group, which requires people to become sensitive to one another’s feelings in order to develop reasonable group activity. In sensitivity training, the actual technique employed is T-group. T-group has several characteristic features: The T-group is generally small, from ten to twenty members The Continue reading

Mintzberg Cultural and Environmental Schools of Thought

Henry Mintzberg had arranged strategy approaches into ten school of thoughts, each had its own strategy characteristic toward organization. Two of these schools: “cultural” school and “environmental” school are going to be taken into consideration. The main features of each school will be introduced firstly before going on their differences and similarities. Nowadays, culture within a business is necessary to preserve its own power and imagine. It groups individuals effectively into an organization. Mintzberg considered organizational culture as key resource of competitive advantage. It also affects to business changes in decision making style or dominating the value of service, quality, and innovation and so on. Environmental school, on the other hand, Mintzberg, 1998 noticed that “Environmental school first grew out of so-called: contingency theory, which described the relationships between particular dimensions of the environment and specific attributes of the organization”. It means that, in contingency view, environmental reacts to the Continue reading

5 Challenges Faced by Women Entrepreneurs

Women constitute around half of the total world population. So is in India also. They are therefore regarded as the better half of the society. In traditional societies, they were confined to the four walls of houses performing household activities. In modern societies they have come out of the four walls to participate in all sorts of activities. The global evidences prove that women have been performing exceedingly well in different spheres of activities like academics, politics, administration, social work and so on. Now they have started plunging into industry also and running their enterprises successfully. Women entrepreneur is a person who accepts challenging role to meet her personal need and become economically independent. There are economical, social, religious, cultural and other factors existing in the society which responsible for the emergency of the entrepreneurs. Al through small businesses owned by women have traditionally focused on fashion, fond and other Continue reading