Purchase-to-Pay Process (PTP)

Purchase-to-pay process consists of financial transactions with the suppliers in a supply chain. Purchase-to-pay process starts with the buyer making the requisition and ends with the payment to the supplier. The buyer makes a purchase requisition and it is passed on to the purchasing department for approval. After getting the approval of the purchasing manager, a purchase order is sent to the supplier. On receiving the purchase order the supplier dispatches the shipment along with the invoice. On receiving the goods, the firm checks the shipment and the invoice to confirm whether the shipment matches the purchase order and the product quality/quantity is as desired. Upon confirmation, the accounts department pays the supplier. Some of the measures to improve efficiency of purchasing transactions are discussed below. Focus on Reducing Processing Time and Costs There are various ways of reducing processing time and costs in order to expedite the purchasing process. Continue reading

Kaizen Costing Method

Kaizen is a Japanese management concept launched by Masaaki Imai, which proved to be the key to Japanese competitive success. The significance of this concept is: KAI = Change and ZEN = for better, and the translation is “continuous improvement”, that means small improvements to the ongoing efforts. Unlike the Western conception, implying total change, at large intervals of time, using large amounts of resources and a high cost level, Kaizen Costing seeks daily, gradual, slow, but continuous improvements, which take place at minimal cost. Kaizen strategy is that a single day should not pass without an improvement to intervene in the activity of each employee or each entity. The Japanese have shown that by applying this strategy, improvement is achieved with minimal expenditure. Specific characteristics that ensure successful approach of Kaizen activities are the following: disregards all ideas implemented so far in the organization of production; rejects the whole Continue reading

Global Supply Chain Management – Drivers and Activities of Global Supply Chain

Nowadays with globalization, global supply chain management is becoming a very important issue for most of businesses. The main reasons of this trend are procurement cost reduction, purchasing risks control, revenues increasing and etc. For instance, companies may set up overseas factories to benefit from tariff and trade concessions, lower labor cost, capital subsidies, and reduced logistics costs in foreign markets. Moreover, easy access to abroad markets and close proximity to customers result better organizational learning. On the other hand, improved reliability can be obtained as a consequence of closer relationship with suppliers. There are some issues that should be considered in managing a global supply chain. First of all, the company should decide about its general outsourcing plan. For whatever reason, businesses may prefer to keep some aspects of supply chain nearer to home. The second issue that must be incorporated into a global supply chain management strategy is Continue reading

Roland Gareis Project Maturity Model

For managing the projects, project portfolios and programs, companies with project orientation have particular strategies, organizational structures, and certain cultures. The management of the programs and project provides competitive improvement for the social systems. Therefore, the organizations including nations, regions, industries are becoming more project oriented. There is an interrelationship between the outcomes of the project oriented systems in the project and their maturity state. These maturities of the project or an organization can be evaluated by different maturity models. In this article, the maturity model developed by the ROLAND GAREIS Project and Programme Management ® has been discussed. Dr. Roland Gareis who is a university professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria.  Project Maturity models have different dimensions which relate to each other. ROLAND GAREIS model contains eight dimensions. These dimensions are discussed bellow. Project Management:  A project is a defined as a provisional organization for the efficiency of Continue reading

Locational Decisions and Factors Governing Plant Locations

Plant location may be understood as the function of determining where the plant should be located for maximum operating economy and effectiveness. The selection of location for a plant is one of the problems, perhaps the most important, which is faced by an entrepreneur while launching a new enterprise. A selection on pure economic considerations will ensure an easy and regular supply of raw materials, labour force, efficient plant layout, proper utilization of production capacity and reduced cost of production. An ideal location may not, by itself, guarantee success; but it certainly contributes to the smooth and efficient working of an organization. A bad location, on the other hand, is a severe handicap for any enterprise and it finally bankrupts it. Locational decisions generally arise when: A new manufacturing (or servicing) unit is to be set up. Existing plant operations are difficult to expand due to poor selection of site Continue reading

Purchase Systems and Importance of Source

In an organization all activities are carried out according to systems and procedures for reducing variations and errors arising out of individuality. This makes performing the function simple and less prone to errors. Purchase organization also consists of such systems established for smooth running of purchasing function. These systems are pre purchase system, ordering system, post purchase system. Pre Purchase System: This system lays down how purchase activity is initiated. Various activities controlled by this system are requisitioning, selection of suppliers and obtaining & evaluating quotations. Requisitions: Requisition for an item may be made by anyone in the organization. Pre purchase system prescribes separate requisition form for capital equipment as this purchase activity is controlled by a separate system. Requisition for an item shall be made in a standard format. This format ensures that indenting person furnishes all relevant information like quantity, specifications, etc. and gets the purchase authorized by Continue reading