Strategic alliances are collaborative organizational arrangements that use resources or governance structures from more than one present organization. Strategic alliances have three main characteristics, First, two or more firms partnering remain independent to the formation of the alliance. Second, alliances perform the feature of ongoing mutual interdependence, from which one party is vulnerable to the other party. Mutual interdependence between party leads to shared control and management, which contributes to the complexity of alliance management and often creates significant administrative costs. Third, because the partners of alliances remain independent, there is uncertainty as what one party expects the other party to do. Literature Review on Strategic Alliances Buckley, Glaister, Klijn, & Tan (2009) describe that, two types of knowledge accession partnerships: one pursuit of efficiency and productivity based on complementary knowledge transfer and the other in pursuit of business scope and product adaptability based on supplementary knowledge transfer. They also Continue reading
Research Literature Reviews
Literature Review – Social Media Marketing Strategies
Social Media Coming to Age in Business Social media has a long history when compared to what people know nowadays. Facebook and other social media platforms exist as a natural outcome of the evolution of the social media development that has occurred for several centuries. It is evident that letters served as the earliest communication methods. They were delivered by hand from the sender to the recipient. When it comes to analyzing the history of social media, one may see that the earliest postal services existed as early as 550 B.C (Hakansson, 2015). Despite the development, the messages became short (Parveen, Jaafar, & Ainin, 2015). The business industry also continued to grow due to friendly economic policies and various incentives that existed in the market. The development of supercomputers after the 1940s saw the creation of networks between computers and consumers. The situation influenced the development of the internet. The Continue reading
How to Write a Good Literature Review
A literature review is the summary and critical evaluation of previous published or unpublished researches made by various scholars and researchers. The source of literature review may be newspapers, articles, journals, magazines, books, thesis, reports, websites, wikis etc. It may also include discussions, methodological issues and suggestions for future research. The literature review must be written clearly and accurately. Simple and easily understandable wording should be used in a review and unnecessary statements, jargons should be avoided. It must be written in such a way that it keeps reader’s attention and don’t make him bore. Don’t make it too complex. Simplify discussion. A good literature review gives only the relevant details, findings and feelings of the researcher comprehensively otherwise the reader lose the interest & attention. Here comprehensiveness does not mean that you should mention every research report, article or paper that has ever been published on your subject. Concentrate Continue reading
Literature Review – Credit Derivatives
Review of Literature on Credit Derivatives Giesecke, K. (2009) says that a credit derivative is a financial instrument whose cash flows are linked to the financial losses due to default in a pool of reference credit securities such as loans, mortgages, bonds issued by corporations or governments, or even other credit derivatives. Credit derivatives facilitate the trading of credit risk, and therefore the allocation of risk among market participants. They resemble bilateral insurance contracts, with one party buying protection against default losses, and the other party selling that protection. He discusses the mechanics of standard contracts, describes their applications, and highlights the mathematical challenges associated with their analysis. Dufey & Rehm(2000) say that credit derivatives are contracts between two financial market participants.The essence of this contract is to transfer credit risk from one party to another.Like all financial innovation, a credit derivative is a new financial product which is developed Continue reading
Literature Review – Organizational Learning
Organizational learning is the ‘activity and the process by which organizations eventually reach the ideal of a learning organization’ (Senge, 1990). Organizational learning is just a means in order to achieve strategic objectives. But creating a learning organization is also a goal, since the ability permanently and collectively to learn is a necessary precondition for thriving in the new context. Therefore, the capacity of an organization to learn, that is, to function like a learning organization, needs to be made more concrete and institutionalized, so that the management of such learning can be made more effective (Dunphy, 1998). Learning organizations are organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together. (Senge 1990: 3) The Learning Company is a vision Continue reading
Literature Review – Quality Management Systems
According to various authors, quality improvement and management has become a subject of great importance in organisations. Quality Management focuses on the overall process of a system rather than just concentrating on results, it is the determination and implementation of the quality policy with regard to the organisation. Many organisations throughout the world have started to realize the potential it holds for them and have therefore adopted new philosophies focused on quality management rather than just being focused on the end results. Some organisations already implementing the ISO 9001 Quality Management System are wondering is it worth maintaining and what significance does it hold for the company? Empirical studies have shown that Quality Management does indeed have a positive effect on the various business functions (Piskar & Dolinsek, 2006) and therefore calls for a deeper look. The empirical studies were undertaken through questionnaires during 2002 in Slovenia. 212 Companies that Continue reading