3 Important Domains of Learning

The term learning means changes in our behavior, attitude, knowledge and skills. In other wards we can say that through learning we can feel permanently changes in our self. If we are not feeling any changes in our above skills then it will not be called as learning. The learning is a type of reinforcement, which may learn a change in behavior enduring by strengthening and intensifying certain aspect of an individual behavior. Learning may be described at the process of acquiring the ability to respond adequately to a situation, which may or may not have been previously an countered.

The term domains of learning means classification, area and scope of learning. The classification allows the trainer to be better able to organize instruction and thereafter provides better structure and improved clarity. The main aim of domains of learning that the students will be better able to achieve success if they more clearly understand the structure of the instruction provided to them. The domains of learning are of three types:

  1. Cognitive domains
  2. Affective domains
  3. Psycho domains

1. Cognitive Domains

The cognitive refers to an individual idea thoughts knowledge interpretation, understanding etc. about himself and his environments. The cognitive theory of learning assumes that the organism learns the measuring of various objects and events and learned responses depend upon the meaning assigned stimuli. In other views we can say that the learner form a cognitive structure in memory, which preserves an organize information about the various events that occurs in a learning situation. The cognitive theory recognizes the role of an organism in receiving, memorizing, restructuring and interpreting the stimulus and reaching to it. At the end we can say that we understand about an individual cognitive system, the better we are above to predict his behavior.

2. Affective Domains  

This domain is the area, which concern attitude, belief and the entire spectrum of values and value system. The area is often considered the more difficult domains in which we structure instruction. The term values are show in embedded that they can be inferred from people behavior and their expected attitude. What may ‘appear’ to be strange behavior in an employee can make sense if managers understand the value underlying that behavior? Value has an important influence on the attitude, perception, needs and motives of people at work. Value represents basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct is permanently are socially preferable to an opposite mode of conduct. When we rank individual values in terms of their intensity we obtain value system of that person. All offers have a hierarchy of value that forms our value system. This system is identified by the relative importance. We assign to such value a freedom self respects, honesty, obedience, equity and so on.

The person learns and develops values because of the following factors:

  • Family Factors – The factors influencing the process of socialization of an individual is role of the family. The learning of social behavior, values and norms come through these practices for example — through rewards and punishment.
  • Social Factors — School has a major role to play in the development of values. Through disciplines in school a child learn desirable behavior important in the school setting, interaction with teacher, class mate and the other staff member in the educational institution make the child inoculate values important to the teaching learning process.
  • Personal factors — Personal attributes such as intelligence, ability, appearance and educational level of the person determines the development of values for example one’s higher levels of intelligence may result in faster understanding of values.

3. Psycho Domains

This domains attempt to classify the coordination aspects that are associated with movement and to integrate the cognitive and affective consequences with bodily performance. The psycho domains can be classified in to following 3 movements:

  • Generic Movement – The movement are process, which facilitate the development of characters and affective pattern. These are exploratory operation in which the learner receives are takes in awareness of the movement and body movements as well as patterning the experienced and demonstrated.
  • Ordinative Movement — Learner are able to organize and process skillful movement. They are able to adopt and refine skillful movement in order to be able to solve task or performance required.
  • Creative Movement — This is the highest level of the psycho domain. In this form student are able to create or invent movements that will serve the individual (personal) purpose of the learner.

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