Internal and External Factors Influencing Recruitment

Recruitment is one of the important tasks which human resources management department has to perform very carefully. They have to understand the need of the vacant position. They have to know what should be the qualification of the candidate for the required position. They have to also look after that what is the age range of the candidate because in several cases some position needs to be more that twenty five years, thirty five years and so on. There are certain reasons of age barrier, for example many company have some different kind of sales positions required. For those positions, company want to have young and enthusiastic candidate, so they prefer that if the position is for sales associate, where the person have to travel a lot, they should be not more than an age of thirty years. Another reason of the human resources management to distinguish age is hierarchy. Many organizations prefers old person for the top level management position.

Factors Influencing Recruitment Process

There are some factors which are influencing recruiting efforts done by human resources management. Every organization has to engage in recruiting activity. Some do it at a time some doesn’t.

  • Size of the organization: One or all size of the organization is one of the factors which influence the recruiting efforts made by human resources management. An organization with one hundred thousand employees will find itself recruiting potential applicants much more often than will an organization with one hundred employees. Here is a distinct between an organization with large number of employees and an organization with some number of employees. Big organization with large number of employee will find a huge pool of applicant while they need to fulfill a vacant position. Where on other side a organization with small number of employees will need to outsource or to advertise for the vacant position. Small organization finds it difficult to attract applicant rather than big organization. Overall size of the organization is one of the factor which is affecting the recruitment efforts made by human resources management department for any organization.
  • Employment condition: One of the other major factor which influence the extent of recruitment is the employment conditions on the community where the organization is located. For example if the organization is located in a remote area where people are not highly educated and they are good with their business will not get suitable applicant from the location rather than the organization which is located in the area where people are educated and are suitably qualified for the positions of the organization. If the unemployment rate is low and people are getting highly paid for their job, it is hard for a new organization to find the applicant with their requirement. The effectiveness of past recruiting efforts will show itself in the organization’s historical ability to locate and keep people who perform well.
  • Salary: Salary is also one the factor which is influencing recruitment. There are some companies which are offering a handsome amount of salary to their employees. While there are some of the other companies which are not offering a good amount of salary to their company. So the company who are offering good salary to their employees will be able to attract more applicant than the company which is not offering good salary. People will prefer to apply for the position in those company where they are highly paid rather than the positions in the company where they are least paid. Human resources management department of the company who are offering less amount of salary have to make more effort to attract the applicant instead of human resources management department of the company who are paying a high amount of salary to their employees.
  • Benefits packages: Benefits packages is one of the attractive factor which influence recruitment effort made by any human resources management department for any organization. Benefits packages include insurance, paid leave, meals while working in an organization, clothing, tuition reimbursement, fuel reimbursement and other more. Applicants will definitely wish to get job in an organization where they are getting benefits packages other than their salary. So human resources department of those organization which are offer benefits packages will find for applicant other than the human resources department of the organization who are not offering any benefits packages.
  • Supply and demand: Anywhere in the organization if there is a demand of the applicant is high and supply of the applicant is very low than the organization will not meet the requirement of the position. Supply and demand is one of the factors which is influencing the recruitment of any organization. If there is huge supply of the application for a position vacant in any organization than the organization will have an opportunity to fulfill the vacant position with their desire standard. And if the supply of the application for any vacant position is low than the human resources management department of the organization has to get ready to negotiate the demand of the applicant and have to look forward toward good salary and other benefits packages.
  • Labor Market: Labor market is one of the constant factor which is influencing the recruitment efforts of any organization made by human resources management department. If the labor market, where an organization is establish, is not as much as they need than organization has to look forward to bring labor from other place and has to give some extra benefits and has to provide house and other thing which are required. If there is a good flow of labor in the market where the organization is situated, the human resources management will not to put any extra effort for the recruitment of the position in the organization.
  • Image or goodwill: There are many organizations whose image is very good in the market and there are some whose image is worst in the market. Image of the organization is one of the prominent factors which is influencing recruitment process. an organization with good image means organization is taking good care of their employees and has good growth in the market. An applicant will prefer to apply to those organizations that has good image in the market rather than the organizations that has bad image in the market. Because people want a secure carrier and expect a good response in the form of their salary and benefits and working environment. Here human resources management department has to put more effort if the organization’s image is bad in the market. But if the image of the organization is good than human resources management department has to put less effort will recruitment.
  • Political, social and legal environment: The environment of the organization is also an influencing factor for the recruiting. An organization has sound political, social and legal environment. If an organization has good political environment than they will be able to attract huge number of candidate. Organization should have good social image. They have to pursue social ethical policy. An organization should have least legal cases against them. Human resources management department of an organization which have nice political, social and legal environment will be able to attract good and desire candidate.
  • Unemployment rate: Unemployment rate plays a big role in influencing recruiting efforts. Human resources management of any organization has to consider unemployment rate as a factor of which influence recruitment in the organization. Human resources management has to look after the unemployment rate of the area where the organization is located, if the unemployment rate is high in the location, human resource management will easily find the suitable candidate with the lower salary. There human resources management has much option for the recruitment. They will get many applications with high qualification and they don’t have to negotiate the salary with candidate which they are offering. They don’t have to give extra benefits to the employees. But the unemployment rate is low where organization is located, than it will occur as a big trouble for the human resources management of the organization. In such situation human resources management will not find option in the form of applicant and has to pay more than what deserve. Human resources management has to compromise with qualification and knowledge and experiences of the candidate. They have to offer them benefits package. Unemployment rate is one of the crucial factors which are influencing recruiting efforts.
  • Competitors:  Competitors are always looking forward to grow up and to have quality employees from whom they can maximize their profit margin and growth rate of the company. Competitor is one the factor influencing recruiting efforts made by human resources management department of any organization how to see the offers which are given by the competitors for the positions which they are looking for. Human resources management has to constantly update their knowledge regarding the offer and benefit to the applicant. So that they can offer more or can be able to negotiate with the candidate regarding the salary and benefits packages for the opening position. In many organization candidate with the knowledge and experience of their competitors are prefer many organization use to hire or fulfill the positions from their competitor, by that they can be able to go through the strategy and plans of their competitor organization and they can try to overcome their drawback.
  • Recruitment Policy: Recruitment policy of any organization is on influencing factor of any recruiting efforts. Organization have different recruitment policy, there are some organization which are preferring applicant from the location where they are and there are some organization who are preferring applicant from the outside area if they don’t find suitable applicant from the are where they are located. Some recruitment policies are affected by government norms. Affirmative action is one of such government norms. Some organization has certain reserved category some organization believes that they should have experienced person in their organization so that they don’t have to invest on training on the new candidate. That’s why they prefer experienced candidate some organization believes in making their own employees competent. They are concerned for the basic qualification of the candidate.
  • Human resources planning: Human resources planning is also one of the factor which is influencing recruiting efforts. In several organizations they have planned for the future and current human resource. Requirement while keeping in mind that thing organization’s human resources management take action for recruitment, they have a planning that within certain period of time, they are going to recruit certain number of employees in their organization and will be able to recruit some candidate. But if any uncertainty occurs and they have to recruit more person immediately, them it will rise as a problem for human resources management department.
  • Cost of recruitment:  Cost of recruitment is always concern by human resources management department; cost of recruitment is one of major factor which influence recruiting effort. Many times in some organization, a small amount of budget is given to the human resources department for the recruitment of any position. Some times that budget is not sufficient of any position. Some times that budget is not sufficient for the human resources management department if they have to provide a qualified candidate for the position vacant. In such condition human resources management department have to put extra effort to search a qualified candidate and some times they won’t be able to meet the requirement of the position. Where as in other situation if the budget is more enough to attract a suitable candidate, than human resources management department would be able to give a well qualified and experienced candidate to the organization.
  • Growth and expansion: Growth and expansion is one of the factors which is influencing recruiting efforts. Human resources management department has to take care of the growth and expansion need of an organization. They have to consider and plan their recruitment efforts according to the growth and expansion of the organization.

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