Concept and Meaning of Human Resource Strategy
The word ‘strategy‘ can be understood as a long range direction and scope of an organization. It provides a framework to achieve organizational goals and objectives. It develops a grand plan about how the company is going to achieve the desired result and how to compete with other rival firms. It also focuses on how the resources are employed effectively an efficiently.
In the light of it, Human resource strategy can be defined as a process which helps management anticipate and manage the rapidly increasing changes. It is concerned with long range direction and scope of HR activities in the organization. It is broad action plan designed to accomplish the goals and objectives of human resource management function in the organization. Moreover, it is concerned with establishing relationship between long range HR direction and business strategy. It involves philosophy that people are managed in an organization and they are integrated with business strategy.
It can be assessed that HR strategy is primarily concerned with the philosophy of managing and mobilization human resources in the organization to achieve the long range business strategy and management goals. Human resource strategy is based on:
- Managing HR strengths in the organization.
- Managing competitive capabilities of HR.
- Translating people into personnel policies and practices.
- Integrating people with business strategy.
Objectives of Human Resource Strategy
The objectives of Human Resource Strategy are as follows:
- To use various mechanism to build healthy two-way communication.
- To screen out potential managers whose values are not people oriented.
- To provide highly competitive salaries and pay-for-performance incentives.
- To guarantee to the greatest extent possible for fair treatment and employ security for all employees.
- To institute various promotion-from-within activities aimed at giving employees every opportunity to fully utilize their skill and gifts at work.
Characteristics of Human Resource Strategy
Important characteristics of Human Resource strategy are as follows:
- Objective Oriented – HR strategy focuses on organizational objectives as well as human resource management function of the organization. It is prepared to realize certain well-defined objectives of the organization.
- Future Oriented – HR strategy is formulated to supply sufficient number and kind of employees in future to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Hence, it is future-oriented mechanism.
- Competitive Advantage – HR strategy focuses on the competitive advantage in the market in the sense that it makes people more and more strategic to achieve their goals. Hence, it accepts people as strategic resources in the organization.
- Environmental Adaptation – HR strategy helps in adapting any sort of change that has occurred in the environment. Its plans and procedures are designed and implemented as per the environmental change.
- Efficiency Development – HR strategy develops the skill, knowledge and ability of employees and make them competitive. As a result, of which the efficient employees can be mobilized in the organization for a longer period of time.