Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are the two of the prominent work attitudes that seen in the work environment. Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation while organizational commitment is the strong feeling of responsibility an employee has towards the mission of the organization.
Job satisfaction is simply how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their job. People can either like (satisfaction) and dislike (dissatisfaction) their job. According to Frederick Herzberg, he believed that employees can like their job because various contributions it has. These contribution involves the work itself, pay, promotions, job achievement, co-worker, supervision and benefits contribute to employees satisfy with their job. He called it motivators. If employees are not satisfied with their job then the productions of the organization with not grow. Manager will see their employees as lazy and they will assume that they don’t want to work. This he called the Hygiene factors because employees are not being motivated on the job.
Organizational commitment is highly valuable thing in an organization. It affects individual’s behavior toward their work. Studies shows that commitment in an organization has great impact on success of organization. It is the result of job satisfaction. Organizational commitment is very critical in an organization because it help to strength the workforce. There are three types of commitment; affective, continuous and normative commitment. Affective commitment is where employees are emotional attached to the organization; continuance commitment is when individual commits to the organization because he or she perceives high cost of leaving of the organization and normative is when employees are obligated to the organization. Therefore, manager can create a comfortable environment in order for employees to commit to their job.
Job satisfaction and organizational commitment are like “two side of a coin”. They are critical factors in an organization. Once employees are comfortable and stable then productivity will increase. Based on the organization culture, manager needs to understand the organization before they can be effective manger. Each organization has different culture, for example a bank cannot operate the same way a cloth store do because of the different culture.
In an organization, a manager should be able to forecast and plan for an organization to move forward, however they need to communicate and have interpersonal relationship with employees so that they can handle problem that arise. According to Elton Mayo, manager needs to know under which condition individual can be effective. Every individual are different and preform differently under supervision.
According to Maslow Hierarchy of needs, employee will not be motivated on their job if the basic needs are not met. Managers believes that individual will not perform effectively because there no motivation. An effective manager should know which theoretical approach to take base on the organization culture. If employees are not satisfy with their job and not committed to their work, then the manager must be able analyze the problem so that they can make relevant decision in a creative way.