Importance of Labor Administration
Efficient labor administration, capable of responding to changing and social conditions and justifying the confidence of both employers and workers, makes a vital contribution to the improvement of working conditions and at the same time to national development. Its contribution towards development of participation through social dialogue and tripartism has been recognized all over the world. Labor administration has increasingly acquired credibility on account of the fairness of labor policies, laws and regulations which are known and applied uniformly. It also contain elements of transparency as there is openness in decision-making which generally involves consultation with and participation by the parties concerned. Decision are generally taken after informing to the parties about the proposals. Services in labor administration are made available without discrimination. Organization for labor administration is generally open and responsible. It is accountable for its mandates and activities. In brief labor administration has come to contain elements of participation, credibility, transparency and responsibility.
About the points of strength of labor administration, the department for government and labor law and administration of ILO states, “labor administration is an acknowledged actor in the elaboration of government economic and social policies a major source of information in its fields of competence for government employer and worker decision-making; an informed decision-making ;an active intermediary for preventing and settling industrial disputes; an informed observer of the trends and development of society by virtue of its special links with social partners; a provider of effective solutions to the evolving needs of its users.”
Some if the specific contribution of labor administration have been the following:
- Formulation of labor policy consistent with the needs of the society and economy and taking into account the views of the parties effected;
- Establishment of uniform standards of labor and adaptation of steps for their effective observance and enforcement;
- Improvement of the working and living conditions of workers and protecting those who need special protection;
- Maintenance of industrial peace and harmony;
- Identification of the rights and obligations of the parties and ensuring their effective compliance;
- Promotion of co-operation among the parties and encouragement to consultation with and participation of the employers and workers;
- Penalizing those not complying with the provisions of laws, rules or regulations; and
- Making available the government services for ensuring compliance with the declared policies and programmes.