Employee engagement is the amount of active involvement and commitment that the employees of an organization have towards the organizations’ purpose and its core values. An engaged employee is an indubitable asset to the organization who contributes to the growth of the organization in line with the mission and vision of the organization which he understands and is an integral part of. In general, it is the overall positive attitude of the employees towards the organization and its values
Employee engagement is of utmost importance for any organization, especially the giants, as their products are unique and frequent dissatisfaction of employee may lead to lower work efficiency. Therefore, companies take very strict measures to curb this inefficiency.
Looking at ten C’s of employee engagement:
- Connect: For engaging employees, they must be shown about their value to the organisation. Employee engagement is directly related to the feeling that employees have about their relationship with their boss.
- Career: In order to engage employee, it’s the duty of a leader to provide its employees with opportunities and challenges for career advancement. This can be done by providing rotating jobs to top talents and by assigning stretch goals to employees.
- Clarity: Employees must be clear about the objectives and the requirements of the firm. To obtain this, leaders must properly inform them and must have a proper communication channel. The organizational success is directly related to the level of communication within an organisations and the extent of clarity of individuals about their goals.
- Convey: Effective managers generally clarify their expectations about employees and usually employ a mechanism for providing them with feedback regarding their performance within the organization.
- Congratulate: To engage the employees, exceptional leaders give recognition quite regularly so as to motivate the employees.
- Contribute: In many organisations, good leaders help employees feel and see their contribution to the organization’s success. Employees feel it quite important to know whether their input matters and how much they are contributing to the organization’s success.
- Control: Employees usually value control over the flow and pace of their jobs and leaders can help them by creating new set of opportunities for employees to implement this control. When employees are given opportunities to get involved in decision making process, it often helps in reducing their stress and also helps in creating a new level of trust and a better organisational culture wherein employees want to take ownership of the problems faced by the organisation and are quite keen to find their solutions.
- Collaborate: Researches have proved that team work amongst employees with trust and cooperation amongst the team members leads to better performance as compared to individuals and teams having poor inter-personal relationships. A good leader ensures about team-building activities in order to engage employees and tries to create an environment of trust and collaboration.
- Credibility: A good manager must ensure and strive to maintain the organisation’s reputation and must him self demonstrate and enforce high ethical standards within the organisation.
- Confidence: A good leader helps in creating high levels of confidence in a company by setting up examples of high ethical and performance standards.