Characteristics of a Distributed System

Distributed Systems is an upcoming area in computer science and has the ability to have a large impact on the many aspects in  the medical, scientific, financial and commercial sector.

The most commonly used definition for a distributed system is, a system comprised of geographically dispersed computing components interacting on a hardware or software level. The rise in interest for distributed computing can be attributed to two major factors. The first factor is the creation and advancements in local and wide area networks which allow for large amounts of data to be transmitted over great distances in a short period of time.

The second factor is the new craze of the Internet of Things (IoT), where nearly every physical device manufacture having some sort of internet connectivity allowing for the possibility of tens of billions of devices that are able to interact. This large network of interconnected devices can be utilized to compute large amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would currently take to process.

Characteristics of a Distributed System


Heterogeneity refers to the ability for the system to operate on a variety of different hardware and software components. This is achieved through the implementation of middle-ware in the software layer. The goal of the middle-ware is to abstract and interpret the programming procedural calls such that the distributed processing can be achieved on a variety of differing nodes.


The openness of a distributed system is defined as the difficulty involved to extend or improve an existing system. This characteristic allows us to reuse a distributed system for multiple functions or to process varying sets of data.


Concurrency refers to the system’s ability to handle the access and use of shared recourses. This is important because if there is no measure implemented it is possible for data to get corrupted or lost by two nodes making different changes to the same resource such that the system can carry this error through different processes causing an incorrect result.

One way to counteract these errors is to implement a locking mechanism making a node unable to access a resource whilst it is being used by another node.


Scalability is one of the major characteristics that effectiveness of a distributed system, it refers to how easily the system can adapt to a changing size. This is due to  the volatile nature of computers, such that a device is prone to leaving and joining the system at will. This volatility is caused by computers powering down, or unstable networks causing connectivity issues.

One factor that affects scalability is the degree at which the system is centralized. This is due to if a system relies on a centralized component or process (e.g. a central  server), the more nodes that try to communicate or use this component, the more likely it is that there will be a bottleneck at this point in the system.

Fault Tolerance

Due to a distributed system having many computers comprised of different aged hardware, it is very likely for a part to fail in such a way that a node can no longer operate. Fault Tolerance is the ability for the system to handle such failures, this is achieved by using recovery and redundancy. Recovery is  where a component will act in a predictable, controlled way if it relies on a component. Redundancy is where crucial systems and processes will have a backup that takes over if a system fails.


Transparency in a distributed system refers to the idea that the user perceives that they are interacting with a whole quantity rather than a collection of cooperating components. Transparency can be split into the following 8 sub-characteristics defined in following table.

AccessHide differences in data representation and how an object is accessed
LocationHide where an object is located
RelocationHide that an object may be moved to another location while in use
MigrationHide that an object may move to another location
ReplicationHide that an object is replicated
ConcurrencyHide that an object may be shared by several independent users
FailureHide the failure and recovery of an object

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