Consumers and Technology

Consumers is someone who buys and uses products and services. Consumers also known as customers, clients, regulars, patrons and trade. Consumers have their own demand. Consumer demand led to higher imports of manufactured good. Good services must be giving to the consumer. Seller must give good services to the consumers. Bestseller need to know what is good for consumers. In this case, seller have to make an easy way to make sure the consumers do not have any problem to buy and use product and services. Currently, technology is common to everybody. Every people know how to use a technology. Design of gadgets is increase in consumers tastes. Consumer tastes also increase in a multiplication and choice in media channels and content.

Technology providers are looking for innovative ways to understand consumers. Technology providers need to know their needs, preferences, tastes and desires and how these will shape the future patterns of demand. The next new gadget bring, consumers will want it to be easy-to-use, to be able to personalise it and for it to enrich their lives. They also need to communicate with each other and be entertained and informed.

Consumer behavior studies helps businesses to understand how a consumer makes a purchasing decision. It is content independent (or uncontrollable) variables, intervening or moderating variables and dependent variables. There are some roles that people play in the decision-making process. This process content five element, the five element is initiator, influencer, decider, buyer and user.

The consumer decision-making process is a generic purchasing-decision model. Generic purchasing-decision model include two element. First element is product brokering and second element is merchant brokering. Product brokering is deciding what product to buy. Merchant brokering is deciding from whom (from what merchant) to buy a product.

Types of  Technology

According to book of the appropriate technology: problems and promises edited by Nicolas Jequier, technology movement is not only to develop new technology, but also to build up an innovation system. This can be tackled from two complementary angles which is production and consumption. Production is represented by the inventors who develop a new technology, manufacture a new product or provide a new types of service. Consumption is represented by the people who will buying or using these new product or services. These two aspects are closely inter-linked and any attempt to build an effective innovation system must consider them simultaneously.

There are three types of technology. First is private technology, second is community technology and third is public technology. Private technology is which often takes the form of consumer goods and especially durable consumer goods (the tin roof, the radio, etc.) and whose introduction depends almost exclusively on the decision of the individual and his family. Community technology is which include not only basic infrastructures like water supplies, education, transport networks or drainage systems, but also most of the production technologies of the individual farmer. Infrastructures are by nature a community technology, but so are most of the production technologies since they touch upon the communities collective goods (land, water, economic relations, social structures, etc.). public economy represented by the large industrial firms which produce consumer goods and the national institutions which supply certain basic services.

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