Entrepreneurs need to have a wide variety of skills to run a successful business. Unlike personal characteristics and attitudes, which can often be hard or impossible to change, entrepreneurs can acquire skills if they are willing to learn them. Additionally, they can hire people to work for them who have the needed skills. The following skills are very important if the entrepreneur want to succeed in his business:
- Problem solving: Every customer have to deal with problems and every entrepreneur has find solutions to them. The successful entrepreneur sees opportunities in these problems where many of the rest of us only see difficulties. A lot of time, the best new ideas come from the need to solve a problem. The entrepreneur has to be good in identifying the problem, and then has to be able to identify solutions that can be good from the customer perspective.
- Communication: Entrepreneurs have to be able to communicate clearly with customers, suppliers, banks, investors, and employees, otherwise they will not be successful. Entrepreneurs communication skills are related to their ability to be able to explain, discuss, sell and market their good or service. In addition, it is important to be able to interact effectively with the business management team. Additionally, entrepreneurs need to be able to express themselves clearly both verbally and in writing, to let everybody clearly understand their business vision and what they have in mind for the development of their business strategy. They also should have strong reading comprehension skills to understand contracts and other forms of written business communication.
- Planning: The ability to plan is a key skill for entrepreneurs. They must be able to develop plans to achieve goals in a variety of areas, as finance, marketing, production, sales and personnel (hiring and maintaining productive and satisfied employees). Having a great idea is only the first step to becoming an entrepreneur. The difference between success and failure can be the ability to plan of the entrepreneur, in fact planning allows you to prepare for the future, for example if you know you will need to replace expensive equipment in three years, you can begin saving now, rather than going into debt to purchase the replacement, or having the equipment break down. Planning is related to planning for growth, thinking ahead about the changes your company needs to make to continue growing means that the entrepreneur has strong skills and for this reason probably he will success. Sometimes companies that grow rapidly without planning, collapse soon afterwards. They could not sustain the growth; in fact, massive unexpected growth can leave entrepreneurs scrambling for equipment, staff, and time.
- Decision-making: Decision-making is an essential skill for the entrepreneur. A successful entrepreneur has to look carefully at the advantages and disadvantages of each possible decision and proposal, weighing the short term and especially long term risks to guarantee the future success of the business. In addition, he has to consider a broad range of ideas from different sources, gathering and analyzing information, and also make market investigations and talk to customers to understand what is right or not in his business venture. Despite the possibility of making a mistake, the decision has to be made. If it turns out to have been a poor decision, a wise entrepreneur will learn from the mistake and move forward to improve his business model. It is important to remember one thing: not deciding is a decision in itself. Decisions can be made through either an intuitive or reasoned process, or a combination of the two.
- Leadership: Leadership is the ability to lead others; a leader inspire others to follow his example. A good entrepreneur set an example by having superior work habits and acting with integrity, and so, people are more inclined to follow someone they respect. The more others feel they are valued, the more they seek ways to help and the more ideas they will contribute to the company. Asking people for advice, praising ideas, and encouraging contributions are excellent leadership tactics. When things go wrong, strong leaders take full responsibility, but when they go well, attribute success to the efforts of their team. A great leader has to show passion in his business, so he will be an inspiration for his employees to do their best. In addition, a good leader has to be open minded, that means that has to listen to the advises of his management team or advisers, and has to be able to bring the team together, to reach a common business objective.