Autocratic Model: The autocratic model of organizational behavior creates a climate in which the feelings of the workers are suppressed and they have to just be obedient and tolerative with the autocratic behavior of the employer. The personal relationship between the employer and the employee is not up to the mark. The labor turnover will be considerable when there is high dissatisfaction of the employees with their boss since they have no other alternative except to leave the job. In case of bottleneck in production or marketing, the employees simply keep mum and they never come out with suggestions for solving the problem. When the worker leaves his Job, he will burst out with his boss with thick words coming from his soul and he will never have an idea to re-enter the service. As far as autocratic model is concerned the workers sustain a tight organizational climate and they continue in the firm only for satiating their physical needs and they have no peaceful organizational climate.
Custodial Model: In custodial model of organizational behavior, as the employee already satisfies his physiological needs, he looks up to his boss for some second line benefits. In this climate ample chances are there to increase the climate by offering second line benefits like pension benefit. Since these benefits are guaranteeing welfare measures both for himself and his family, it creates viable and improved climate under which the worker comes forward with voluntary endeavor to work for the organization with involvement. But once the benefits awarded to the workers is withdrawn by the employer as their custodian, he has to eat the crow because the workers will lose their confidence and morale and look at the employer will suspicion and now the climate will deteriorate and ultimately workers will be pushed to the tight corner of seeking the trade union mode to get back the benefits they have enjoyed earlier. But the labor turnover will not be more because they enjoy good climate with their work and their main aim is to look for welfare measures for their family. They will work and raise routine voices for the benefits they have lost earlier.
Supportive Model: In supportive model, since democratic attitudes are more in the behavior of the employer, there will be a lot of improvement in the organizational climate instead of creating a climate through authority as in the case of autocratic model or through economic resources in case of custodial model. The employer creates a super organizational climate by his supportive role as a leader. Under this behavior system, the workers have the inclination to improve their performance since they have enough Job satisfaction and further scope of improving themselves in the organization. There will be mutual trust between the employer and the employee. The employee will start thinking of the welfare of the organization. He will come out from the tight shell of distrust and grudge with his employer and ready even to participate in the management.
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