The cases of management cannot be properly analyzed and solved unless the student has a thorough knowledge of die subject. The cases of General Management may be on the functions of management like planning, co-ordination, organization, control and decision-making. The cases also relate to the principles of management like division of labor, centralization and decentralization of authority, span of control, equity, remuneration, unity of direction, unity of command etc. While solving the case problem the student must be able to know to which function or principle of management the case relates. It will enable the student to analyze the case properly as he becomes clear about what is ‘required “as per functions or principles and what is lacking in the given situation of the case.
The cases of Personnel Management relate to recruitment, selection, induction, placement, wage and salary administration, promotion and transfers, career planning and development, job evaluation, performance appraisal, merit rating, job enlargement, disciplinary actions, motivation etc. The student must know the exact meaning of these concepts and procedures in detail and the practices in vogue for implementation of the same. Unless he knows it thoroughly, he may not be able lo pin point the departure from standard practice, procedure or precedent and suggest remedial steps to restore the position.
The cases of Industrial Relations and Trade Unions consist of Industrial Relations, Industrial Disputes, efficiency of workers, payment of wages, bonus, collective bargaining, negotiations, strikes and lockouts, code of conduct and discipline, grievance procedure. The student must know the provisions of the various labor legislations to suggest proper action for resolving the problem given in the case.
There cannot be watertight compartments for various types of cases. The cases of General Management, Personnel Management and Industrial Relations are often intermingled, e.g. the case of Organization Structure and Promotion / Transfer, Organization Structure and Delegation, Delegation and Industrial Regulations, Career Planning and Wage Structure or Promotion. Job Enlargement and Strike etc. While solving the case problem, the student should know for which area of management he is solving the case problem and thus proper emphasis should be given on the selected aspect of. the case and analysis should be done on those lines only.