An organization is said to be effective when it achieves the expected output as by the management. An effective organization earns profit for investors, offers satisfactory service to clients and has a potential for growth and development. Organizations are able to survive chaotic times due to their adaptability to change. The management which provides good leadership experiences employee retention and the workers are more productive than one with a demoralized workforce. An organization has to facilitate training and continuous learning for employees, the organization has contingency methods of operation that is different situations are handled by the different appropriate ways. An organization has to engage the input of its employees in the decision making. The employees being a valuable asset should be motivated for maximum input. Many studies observe that managers should take cognizance of the different values and beliefs held by employees. There should be no discrimination on gender, race or religious beliefs but equal treatment for employees and recognition of the diversity of views and opinions. Effectiveness is only achieved when the organizational goals and targets are harmonized. An organization achieves its objectives when all elements are working in unity and in the desired course.
There are numerous factors which determine successful performance of work in organizations. Every organization has its success performance factors which may vary from the organization which has same offerings for the market. There are the following most important factors which determine successful performance of work in organizations irrespective to the nature and form of business.
- Vision: The first and most important factor in successful work in companies is the existence of a clear, vivid, and compelling vision of exactly where the organization is headed. A vision that tells employees throughout the organization why they are coming to work, what they are working towards, and how it will look and feel once they achieve the vision. A vision that gets everyone excited about coming to work and contributing to the success of the organization and also shows the personal benefits of attaining corporate excellence.
- Communication and Clarification: A critical step for ensuring the impact of the vision is through constant and consistent communication of the vision throughout the organization. Formally through memos, e-mail, and newsletters; informally through meetings and face-to-face communications, until the entire company is infused with a clear, vivid and exciting vision to their future growth and success. Through department meetings, surveys, and discussions, the vision is clarified and takes shape. The leader listens, watches and asks questions. Then the leader does something important, he or she takes the necessary time to sit down and think deeply about the vision and direction of the company, taking in all the input they have gathered to create a living vision that reflects the hopes and aspirations of the team and the realities of the marketplace. Ultimate responsibility for vision rightfully rests upon the shoulders of the leaders of an organization. Great leaders are able to create a very clear and specific vision of where they want to take their company, get staff to help build a realistic and measurable plan to achieve the vision, and then infuse the organization with a strong sense of urgency toward making the plan work. This can only happen through solid communication that instills conviction in others. The ability to communicate, to create understanding between leaders and all key players is perhaps the single most important management skill to develop. There is a fundamental rule of communication that is important to remember: people without access to good information cannot take responsibility for their decisions. On the other hand, people with access to lots of good information cannot help but take responsibility for their actions. Clear and specific communication is the keystone of delegation, empowerment and fast action taking, all key components of building a great company. Increased information flow is a critical factor for great companies. Great companies share as much information as they legally can with their employees, in an open, honest and straightforward way. Through multiple sources (meetings, newsletters, training, casual conversations, corporate gatherings, and more) they are constantly focusing the entire organization on the vision, on the plan and on outstanding service to the customer. They give their people all the information they need to do a superior job. When people are informed, they feel connected and engaged.
- Implementation: Ideas on their own are not worth much unless they are brought to execution. Vision, strategy, and planning are all wonderful only if they are practiced by people that impact the bottom line by affecting the quality of products or services. As logical as this might seem, it is unfortunately all too rare in the business world. Management of successful companies pays attention to the plan. They use it on an almost daily basis as a benchmark to guide them forward toward their vision. It becomes part of each employee’s desk operating procedures and the organization’s standard operating procedures. Aside from these formalities, the strategic plan becomes the way people experience the organization.
- Organizational Culture: Every organization has a culture. It has its own cultural forms that constitute the expected, supported and accepted way of behaving. These norms are mostly unwritten and tell employees the way things really are. These influence everyone’s perception of the business from the chief executive to the lowest rank. Employees from all cadres of any organization contribute to the success or failure of the organization, to the norms by accepting and supporting them. Every organization will have its own word to describe what it mean by culture. Some of them are core, ethos, ideology, manner, patterns, philosophy, purpose, roots, style, vision and way. Culture helps the organization to accomplish what it desires to achieve. The corporate culture as a management program has great motivating impact to motivate employees to improve their own and organizational performance.
- Empowerment: Empowered management, also known as self-directed or self-managed management, has long existed in manufacturing and other sectors, with studies observing a variety of benefits. Empowered management includes employees with similar job titles and responsibilities who make decisions and recommendations on aspects of their jobs and perceive their position as being meaningful.
- Competitive Pay-Scale: High competitive pay levels maintain and enhance work performance because pay is one of the factors that encourages employee to perform well which is ultimate goal of management expectations. This assumption has been largely tested all around the world.
- Employees Training and Development: Employee development is something that most people imagine as intrusive all-day group training sessions. Unfortunately, this alarmed approach to employee development is just the opposite of how employee development should occur and feel to employees. Employee development can manifest itself in many forms of training, evaluations, educational programs, and even feedback. If executed correctly, the effects of training on employee performance can often encourage growth within the worker and the organization itself.
- Job Satisfaction: In general, satisfied employees are more likely to remain in a position and to avoid absences than are dissatisfied employees and satisfied employees are more productive than dissatisfied employee. Initial research indicated that neuroticism is negatively correlated with job satisfaction, whereas conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness are positively correlated with job satisfaction. Openness to experience has a negligible impact on job satisfaction. Additional research, however, has only been able to replicate correlations among the factors of neuroticism and extraversion, with extraversion being positively correlated with job satisfaction and neuroticism being negatively correlated. This could be due to the social nature of the workplace.
- Leadership: Leadership style of management is often essential in the workplace, especially for individuals who aspire to move up into the ranks of management.