The importance of leadership in the field of management is given below:
- Helps in guiding and inspiring the employees: leader guides and inspires his subordinates towards higher performance and so helps in achieving the business goals.
- Creates confidence: leader creates confidence among the employees by understanding and handling the situations as per proper requirement. Sometimes individuals fail to recognize their qualities and capabilities than he provides psychological support to the followers by his conduct and expression.
- Improves productivity: the main purpose is to use the available human and non-human resources of the organisation efficiently and efficiency of performance = the product of capability and willingness. By raising willingness leader helps in improving the productivity.
- Improves job satisfaction: effort from monitory incentives and better physical working conditions, the job satisfaction of employees also depends on the behaviour of their managers. Leaders ensure that managers in organisation should adopt behaviour, which is acceptable to the subordinates. Moreover leaders support and encourage the subordinates to meet particular situations. Overall these activities improve job satisfaction among the employee. A satisfied human resource is always better than unsatisfied.
- Acts as an intermediary: leader communicates the expectations of the management to the subordinates and also leads the subordinates to resolve their problems and from the management. So leader is a middleman between manager and worker.
- Acts as a counselor: while taking various decisions by the management, leaders of the workers are also invited to act as a counselor of the subordinates.
- Enhances group efforts: leadership prepares the people at workplace to perform the job with mutual trust co operative and friendly manner. Subordinates and the management should make collective efforts and give priority to the achievement of organisational objectives.
- Determination of goals: a leader performs the creative function of laying down goals and policies for the followers. He acts as a guide in interpreting the goals and policies.
- Organisation of activities: a good leader divides organisational activities among the employees in a systematic manner. The relationships between them are clearly laid down. This reduces the chances of conflict between them.
- Representation of workers: the leader is a representative of his group. He takes initiative in all matters of interest to the group and attempts to fulfill the psychological needs of the subordinates.
- Achieving coordination: a leader integrates the goals of the individuals with the organisational goals and creates a commonality o interests. He keeps himself informed about the working of the group and shares information with group for the coordination of its efforts.
- Providing guidance: a leader guides the subordinates towards the achievement of organisational objectives. He is available for advice whenever a subordinate faces any problem.
- Building employees Morale: good leadership is indispensable to high employee morale. The leader shapes the thinking and attitudes of the group. He develops good human relations and facilitates interactions between the members of the group. He maintains voluntary cooperation and discipline among followers.
- Facilitating change: dynamic leadership is the cornerstone of organisational change. An effective leader is able to overcome resistance to change on the part of workers and thus facilitate change.