Every company in today’s world will have some automation or other. Accounting packages are the first to be implemented. And the sales order processing is automated so that their clients and suppliers can access the data. It helps to implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), which allows the entire company to automate all its division/locations. In 1980s, ERP was available only to large industries who could afford the huge expenditure. Many ERP vendors have done their own ERP Review and have developed ERP solutions to different markets.
Any thinking of implementing ERP system shall have three stages of ERP Review process – Pre-implementation, Implementation and Post-implementation review.
- In the pre-implementation ERP Review, the company shall identify itself as large, medium or small scale enterprise. There are many ERPs for small and medium enterprises. Even, some big ERP software vendors offer a different products for small and medium industries. In the pre-implementation stage, all the requirement is collected from all the departments, stake holders and the requirement is documented.
- In the implementation stage, ERP software is configured to your requirement. A serious review is to be done to change the existing processes to those available in ERP or customize the ERP process to suit your requirement. Training is very important. Technical training as well as user training shall be addressed in the implementation stage. This training goes a long way, in making ERP implementation a success. While the implementation is on, you need to have an ERP Review on the training effectiveness as well as the process. Keep watching, if the ERP goals are being addressed. Once you come across any deviation, you can take care of the course correction, before damage is done.
- Post-implementation ERP Review is very critical for your growth. The implementation was entrusted to a third party ERP implementation consultant. They have completed the work, got the project completion certificate signed by you and have left the premises. You may have signed an Annual Maintenance contract with them for any trouble shooting, but they may not help if your implementation crashes after they left the premises. It is recommended to have an ERP Review in every six months after you went ‘live’ with the ERP implementation. This review must address, if you have achieved the expected results and if all the goals defined are already met or ready to be realized.
Many companies fail to do ERP Review at regular intervals and pay heavy price for their negligence. There are many stories of failed ERP implementations. It is difficult to understand how the ERP implementation fails if there was a proper ERP Review at different stages and at different intervals. Regular review is sure to get you on track and ensure successful ERP implementation.