Leadership is a process of influencing the behavior of people at work towards the achievement of specified goal. The following elements must be present in the leadership:
- It is the process of influence;
- The influence is always for achievement of common goal;
- There must be minimum two or more persons present; influencing your own behavior is not leadership.
- The influence should be to get the willing co-operation of the employees and not the forceful co-operation.
Most Important Leadership Qualities
A person must possess the following qualities to be a good and effective leader.
- Physical qualities. Good physical features attract people. Physical features like height, weight, health and looks of person attract and individual. Healthy and smart leader can him also work hard and he can induce his subordinates also to work hard.
- Knowledge, Intelligence and Scholarship. A leader must be able to examine every problem in the right perspective or direction. The leader must have superior judgment and abilities to take right decision in right situation. The leader must have complete knowledge about the work performed by his group members. He should take decision on the basis of facts, figures and logic. He must have a mature mind. Then only he can be a successful leader.
- Integrity and Honesty. A leader must possess high level of integrity and honesty. He must follow ethics and values then only he can expect his subordinates to be ethical and honest.
- Self Confidence and Sense of Responsibility. A leader can develop confidence in his subordinates only when he is having faith and confidence in his own abilities. He must be confident that he will be able to tackle every situation successfully. A confident leader only can create confidence in his subordinates. The leader must have the sense of responsibility for achievement of goal or target of his group member. He must know clearly and readily accept the accountability for any mistake done by the subordinates as subordinates work under his guidance and direction. The leader must share or pass on the credit of success to his subordinates.
- Initiative. A leader must take initiative to grab the opportunities. He must have courage and initiative to take bold decisions. He must take risk for the advantage of organization.
- Motivation Skill. A good leader must set an example for others as inspire the people. He must be able to answer all the questions of subordinates regarding “why”. The leaser must be able to convince the employees that their willingness to do work will bring best result in their performance. The leader should not force the subordinates but develop voluntary contribution from the subordinate side. He must remain connected with the work and must lead all his subordinates in performing to their best ability.
- Communication Skill. A leader is the source of information for all the members of his group. Generally all the instructions and information from the superiors are passed to subordinates by the leaders only. So they must have good communication skill so that information reaches each and every member. On the other hand, leaders pass all the problems and grievances of the subordinates to the top level and to inform the problems rightly the leader must have communication skill. To establish cordial relationship among the subordinates and the superiors, the leaders must have communication skill.
- Decisiveness. A leader must take firm decisions. He should not get confused. Once he is convinced about the facts and figures, he should take decision. He must be decisive while managing various activities and people.
- Social Skill. A leader must be friendly with his subordinates. He must provide supportive environment to subordinates so that they do not hesitate to discuss their problems. He must understand people and try to maintain good relations with them.
Although it is not possible for an individual to possess all these leadership qualities but at least through training and development, one can make an effort to acquire as many as possible.
External Links:
- 10 Qualities of Superior Leaders (Entrepreneur)