Brand personality is as if ‘making the brand come alive’. The attribution of human personality traits (seriousness, warmth, imagination, etc.) to a brand as a way to achieve differentiation. Usually done through long-term above-the-line advertising and appropriate packaging and graphics. These traits inform brand behavior through both prepared communication / packaging, etc. and through the people who represent the brand – its employees.
Brand personality is the way in which a brand speaks of its products or services shows what kind of person it would be if it were human. A brand without a personality has trouble gaining awareness and developing a relationship with customers.
Brand image refers to the rational measurements like quality, strength, and flavor. Brand personality explains why people like some brands even when there is no physical difference between them. Brand personality is the emotional associations of the brand and brand image is the physical features and its benefits. To make a product successful, the brand image should be blended into a single brand personality. Thus the totality of the brand is the brand personality. It refers to the symbolic and emotional characteristics of a brand.
A brand as a personality can create a strong brand in several ways :
- It can help create a self-expressive benefit that becomes a vehicle for the customer to express his/her own personality. e.g. An Apple user might identify himself or herself as casual, anti corporate and creative
- As human personalities affect relationships between people, brand personality can be the basis of relationship between the customer and the brand. e.g. Mercedes Benz, an upscale admired person. Hallmark, a warm emotional relative.
- Brand Personality may help to communicate a product attribute and thus contribute to a functional benefit
- Personality can help provide needed differentiation between brands. It can make the brand interesting and memorable. A brand with out personality can trouble gaining a relationship with customers
- A brand personality stimulates the consideration of constructs such as energy & youth fulness which can be useful to many brands
- A brand personality can help suggest brand-customer relationship such as mend party companion or adviser with the personality metaphor in place, relationship development becomes clearer & more motivating
Advantages of Brand Personality
Brand personality provides an added insight into the brand. Brand personality is either a part of core identifies or extended identity. If both the cases, it is a basis to differentiate a brand. This is more when brands have more or less the same attributes.
Brand personality statement can be used in positioning strategy brand personality makes promotion easier. Brands have expressional value for people. Brands they use show what type of people they are.
Brands are also aspiration, their use denoting what we would like to be rather than what we are. Brands having distinct personality generate certain feelings and emotions to emerge. Brands are used to make personnel statements. A person can have a relationship with a brand as a person. The relationship with a sincere brand is that of respect. Exciting brands create a friendly relationship. Competent brands nurture a relationship based on expertise. Sophisticated brands foster a relationship like one with a rich relation. Rugged brands and an outdoor loving friend are on par. Brand relationship can be based even on the basis of functional benefits, which is purely a professional relationship. A brand can have friendship relationship, which any brand personality can offer.
A brand’s behavior shows its personality traits. A brand that is constantly on sales promotion becomes cheap in the eyes of the buyers. A brand associated with sponsoring good cultural programs shows its cultural awareness. Extensive advertising makes a brand approachable.
Importance of Brand Personality
There are three very compelling reasons for a brand to have an identifiable personality beyond any specific advertising or public relations for that brand. First, because more and more parity products are arriving on the scene to duke it out with one another, the brand’s personality may be the one and only factor that separates it from its competitors. Second, when a purchase decision involves (or perhaps even depends on) an emotional response, a likeable personality may well provide that necessary emotional link. Third, a consistent brand personality can help not only the brand, but that brand’s advertising stand out and be recognized.
The brand personality and product attributes should complement each other. A particular personality indicates certain benefits. Benefits can be copied and assaulted easily, but it is difficult to do so with a personality. Brands are also associated with certain values which are centrally-held long-lasting beliefs guiding us, and leading us to ultimate end-states of existence. It is important for a brand to have a clear personality, which is positive and rich. It makes the brand stronger.
Values And Characteristics Of Brand Personality
People’s personalities are determined largely through the values and beliefs they have, and other personality characteristics they develop. An example of a value or belief is honesty. Many people believe in being honest in everything they do and say. An example of a characteristic is confidence. This is not a belief, but more of a behavior. There are, of course, many values / beliefs and characteristics that a person may have, but there are some that are particularly likeable. It is to these likeable values and characteristics that people are inevitably attracted. Examples of these include dependability, trustworthiness, honesty, reliability, friendliness, caring, and fun loving.
There are about two hundred words that describe personality characteristics, and these can be used for putting personality into brands. A further point of interest arising is that people tend to prefer brands that fit in with their self-concept. Everyone has views about themselves and how they would like to be seen by others. And they tend to like personalities that are similar to theirs, or to those whom they admire. Thus, creating brands with personalities similar to those of a certain group of consumers will be an effective strategy. The closer the brand personality is to the consumer personality (or one which they admire or aspire to), the greater will be the willingness to buy the brand and the deeper the brand loyalty.