Social Evaluation of marketing is an approach that has a long-term impact on an individual. Marketing plays an important role in a society by influencing life of people. Marketing is much more than advertising and selling. It plays an important role in meeting the needs of the consumers. The concept of marketing touches life of every individual. It is a medium through which desire of people is satisfied on everyday basis. The overall concept of marketing concept covers activities like advertising, public relation, promotion, sales, etc. This is a process through which a product or a service is introduced in the market. For the reason it is important to manage the marketing policies.
Marketing is a broad concept comprising of activates from procurement of raw material till after sales services. The broad parameter of the marketing strategies helps in organizational design. For the purpose the marketing strategies are developed by integrating the market place and coming up with strategies accordingly. Brands nowadays understand the process to attract customers. For the reason they are coming up with an effective market strategies. These strategies help in gaining competitive advantage.
Every market is distinct and it is important to locate the most effective market strategy that helps in gaining results. For example Mc. Donald’s understand the effective market strategy to gain competitiveness. They have something different for every market. For the reason, the Asian market and Australian market is served burgers according to the market needs. This is important for gaining competitive market needs and ensuring better results. This is managing the results in an effective way by procuring effective measures in order to organize better facilities. This is one of the best way through which an organization can gain a competitive advantage. It is important for gaining effective results by ensuring an effective market growth. Economic measures are taken into consideration while keeping the price related policies. The price policy is important for gaining a competitive advantage in deciding upon the price. The prices related to the products vary from country to country depending upon the economic background. It is therefore important for taking decision related to the organizational conduct.
Social and cultural background of a country is important for making policies. The market, people and lifestyle varies from country to country. Hence it is evident to keep only that product that is required in the market. The lifestyle, per capita income of the people is important for integrating the market related policies. In due time, it has become very much important for a business organization to develop policies according to the market requirements. The lateral shift in the economy is considered while developing effective market policies. In due course this is important for gaining a competitive advantage in each and every market. These strategy is been followed by most of the local and international brand.
The process of Environmental Stewardship is important for managing the organization for meeting the long term sustainable goals. Ethics are important to be considered in order to delivering effective result. There is a necessity to carry forward the interest related to the organization. The purpose of marketing is to meet the common good by developing an effective strategy. CSR is most importantly been added in the organization for understanding the needs of Environmental Stewardship. It is important to be ethical while developing market related goals. The organization not following the ethical code of conduct is not considered by the consumers. The buyers understand the importance of ethics in managing the organizational goals. Hence while developing the organizational measures; it is evident to develop market policies that help in maintaining effectiveness.
This is important for an organization in managing long-term sustainable goals. It is not only important for managing the organizational result but also helps in managing an effective business environment. This help in making an effective market strategy with a scope to gain competitive advantage. This helps in shaping the consumer needs and behavior in order to meet the desired results. Business ethics and responsibility is important to gain competitive result while organizing policies. Marketing is a wide concept that needs an attention in market. This is effective in gaining long-term sustainable results while meaning the competitiveness. In order to sustain in the market, this is important for an organization to develop an effective strategy so as to cope up with the ineffectiveness.
Meeting Changing Needs of Consumers Through Effective Marketing Strategies
Marketing is putting a huge impact on an individual and his buying behavior. Big brands are making a huge investment on managing marketing strategies. It is amazing to see that how Marketing has influenced our life. Until and unless business is recognized in the society and have communication with the customers, one has to use marketing strategies to generate product and service awareness. It is impossible to imagine today’s world without marketing strategies. Awareness about a product and service can only be generated through an effective marketing plan. In this way, it is possible to draw a balance in ensuring an effective marketing strategy.
Marketing helps in identifying potential both the company and the consumer to discover the necessities in the market. In today’s competitive business environment customers wants and needs. This allows companies to generate market awareness that consumers feel is genuine. The genuine relation in between the marketers and the consumers is to understand their influences, psychology and behaviors. While interpreting the importance of marketing, it is necessary to understand the depth in order to remain competitive.
Impact of Marketing Strategies on Individual Consumer Behavior
Marketers have to understand the consumer behavior in order to gain an effective performance, it is really very important for the marketer to develop effective marketing strategies. These strategies will help in understanding consumer psychology. This in return will help in acknowledging the important aspect of an organization. Consumers are believed to perform efficiently in order to manage the organizational goals. In a growing economy, marketing concept is important in order to derive requisite results. There are at times certain issue due to an ineffective market strategy. The purpose is to channelize the energy in a positive direction so consumers are able to utilize the purpose behind managing business.
An increase in competition has generated an urge to develop competitive marketing strategies. Social media is an effective strategy to match up with the expectations of the consumers. The success of a product highly depends upon the market acceptance. Market plays an important role in building relationship in between the customers and the organization. It gives confidence to enter the market with an innovative market strategy. This help in making an effective market strategy with a scope to gain competitive advantage. This helps in shaping the consumer needs and behavior in order to meet the desired results. The purpose of organizing the marketing strategies is to organize the result in a best effective way by coordinating the organization in a well-organized way. Individual consumers do have a long-lasting impact of the marketing strategies that are attracting consumer largely. Big brands like Coca Cola, PepsiCo comes up with an innovative marketing strategy during the festive season.
The overall purpose is to attract customer attention. This is important for any brand in a global competitive economy. This in return helps in improving the revenue. Large sized business organizations have to take care of managing effective marketing strategies. These strategies thereby allow in managing a large-sized consumer behavior. The behavior of the consumer is subject to change. Udder such a situation it is important to conduct a thorough market research. This will allow in understanding the consumer desires. It is important for managing the changes taking place in the environment. There is a lot of socio-cultural interference in developing market strategies. There need to be an effective measure that allows a marketer to understand the behavior largely. In such a situation, this strategy will help in gaining competitive advantage. The overall purpose is to draw effective policies and manage an effective result that allow in branding.
Marketers have to realize the importance of growing dependence on individual consumer behavior. Nowadays, business organizations are paying attention on the customized products. These products are made according to the needs of the customers. Recent example is the swatch watches. Consumer can design their own piece of watch and price will be quoted accordingly. The only way to gain a market advantage is through a proactive behavior. This is important for the business organization to gain a competitive advantage.
Environmental Stewardship and Corporate Social Responsibility for Sustainability
Environmental Stewardship is a concept that focuses on protection of the natural environment through sustainable practice. Most of the companies are considering the growing importune of environment protection. They are effectively using the strategies to gain a competitive advantage under the policy of Environmental Stewardship. Brand like The Body Shop is a pioneer of Environmental Stewardship. They take preventive measures to take care of environment and to meet the basic needs of the consumers simultaneously. In a competitive economy, environment is been given equal weight-age in order to achieve a balance. This has become an integral part of the Corporate Social Responsibility.
Companies are proactively participating in saving environment and focusing on effective measures. Starbucks is using an effective CSR strategy where they are focusing on taking care of the environment. They are continuously working upon taking care of the unproductive activities that can affect the environment. This is important to manage the Environmental Stewardship. These marketing strategies are important for any brand to gain a competitive advantage. Awareness about a product and service can only be generated through an effective marketing plan. In this way, it is possible to draw a balance in ensuring an effective marketing strategy. These market strategies are important or gaining an impact on a high risky environment situation. The overall purpose is to understand the growing need of an effective measure that allow in neutralizing the ill-effects.
In such a situation, the purpose of an individual is to manage the changes that are taking place in the environment and to implement the same in order to gain results. The market is subject to fluctuations. It is only possible to manage the competitive advantage in order to gain a competitive advantage. It is important for generating market effectiveness. This critically helps in arranging the market needs in an effective way. The purpose of developing a market strategy is to meet the needs by organizing the concept of effective marketing strategies. The genuine relation in between the marketers and the consumers is to understand their influences, psychology and behavior’s. These strategies are important for organizing the desired results by taking the market advantage. This is the only way through which it is possible to manage the ongoing changes taking place in the market.
To conclude, Marketing is putting a huge impact on an individual and his buying behavior. Big brands are making a huge investment on managing marketing strategies. It is amazing to see that how Marketing has influenced our life. In order to gain market advantage, it is important to come up with an effective market strategy. This is important for achieving the desired result while organizing the strategies according to the market. In a growing economy, marketing concept is important in order to derive requisite results. There are at times certain issue due to an ineffective market strategy.