More Contact Points
Traditional mass media such as radio and TV is used to be a way to advertising a product, brand or service. This type of promotional strategy only can transmit the information to some of the target customers but not all. Therefore, Integrated Marketing Communication is a form of promotional strategy where all the promotional strategies are integrated so that the company able to transmit the message to all the target customers and also the customers can interact with the company brand in many ways. For example, a customer may have heard about one restaurant from their friend which they had been go there before and had a great experience dining at there. After that, the customer goes online to search information about that restaurant which include the menu and price and also make reservations. When the days come, your restaurant have to notice how cozy the place is and also get the chef’s recommended dishes for that night to make sure the customer satisfy what they expected. From the example above, the IMC cover all the contact points which include customer service, store design, direct marketing, internet, word-of-mouth marketing, after sales service, new media and etc. Thus, IMC can be said that it is a very useful tool where it can generate more contact point from customers.
More Specialized Media
It is used to be enough for mass media to cover any advertiser’s needs. Due to the rising of ad clutter, greater confrontation to advertising and shorter attention spans, and this cause the customers tend to be a lot more selective which they shut off the material that they feel no need and select with the thing that they need. Integrated Marketing Communication can generates specialized media where not only one of the promotional strategy is use to advertise one of the product or service. For example, the magazines may provide to entrepreneurs, pet owners, budget travelers, sport fans and mothers. There are also other example which are viral video clips of cats, blogs on cheap hotels and resorts in Asia Pacific, have podcasts now that talk about starting up a successful small business.
Now Marketing is More Data-based
Nowadays, the companies like to make advertisement through media such as TV. But the problem is do they know exactly how many people watched their ad? The advertisers do not like to shell out wads of cash for media buy without knowing their ways of getting the media investment back. They always want to see figures like how much they had spent for the ad and how much they are getting back in return to support their decision.
This is to evaluate whether the time and effort that they need spent is worth it or not. So based on these facts, it shows that Integrated Marketing Communication is playing an important role in firm promotional strategies. This is because Integrated Marketing Communication in now more data-based. It can provide the useful and accurate data form information that needed by the marketer and advertiser.