What will be the best resort for advertising and marketing especially for small scale companies needs to be identified. Here there are the top ten low-cost advertising methods which managers will find very useful.
- Creating your own Website: Today, when more and more people are turning internet savvy; for any company to come into the public eye having a company’s website is a must. A research has put forth that seventy percent of potential buyers’ first research about the product or service on the internet before walking to a mall or showroom to buy the product or service. If companies cannot invest money, then there are also free blogs and websites which offer domain names as preferred. Also, remember to market your website or blog by employing means of social media. Social media culture is on a rise, and publicizing about your presence on such platforms can result in potential success.
- Brand Tie-ups and Cross Promotions: Hunt for companies that pitch to similar customer base and their product or service could compliment with that of yours. This will result in sharing the customer base thus widening the number of potential customers. Also, creating a marketing campaign on a share basis could be mutually beneficial to both the companies.
- Conduct Seminars over different Mediums: Yes, seminars no longer connote that meetings have to take place in person. There are different mediums over which such seminars can be held. Those which take place over the internet are referred to as Webinars. This is a much cost effective way as all the participants are attending the seminar from the convenience of their homes or offices. Sites like YouTube are ideal for it as demonstrations can be featured over there.
- Always keep that Eye Open for Cheap and Creative Mediums: At times even the most expensive mediums fail to catch the attention of the potential consumer or customer. Whereas at times, the advertisement copy is great to attract customers, but the medium does not support the message and thereby is not able to reach large number of people. Therefore, it is not just the advertisement but even the medium which is most important. Both should be complimenting to each other. Advertisements are usually viewed as interruption and people try to move away from such channels. Therefore, let your advertisement come more as a surprise which will evoke the person to pay attention to the advertisement.
- Make Most of the Workforce: The power of people is most important and the key driving factor for any business. Motivate employees to spread the word. Print flyers and get them distributed. This will increase the visibility of the brand on a small scale; but accompanied with the power of word of mouth; it can play a significant deal. The only matter of concern with this medium is that one cannot keep a control on the spread of message, as word of mouth is like a twin-sided sword. It is equally risky as beneficial. Spread of message about negative experiences will not be able to be filtered out.
- Focusing on Mass Mediums like TV: Although, mass mediums are an expensive affair; even then there are ways to fit the medium in your budget. Cable television is an ally of the medium of Television advertising which can be employed at low-costs. Cable Television also helps one to focus on geographic targeting as it tends to local in nature. Apart from Cable TV, one can even advertise on conventional TV by selecting the preferred zip code where you want the advertising message to reach. A lot of times, cable operators possess the demographic information of the subscribers which can further enable the advertiser to safeguard their targeting parameters.
- Practicing the System of Lead Generation and Maintaining a Regular Contact: Increase the customer base by getting access to more and more people. One can go about doing so by simply putting up a form on their official website and request the visitor to leave their names and details on the website. This action can be incentivized by providing them details of the upcoming sales well in advance. With the information provided, the company can send the prospects direct-mailers from time to time, or to show a concern, wish them via sms or e-mail on birthdays and anniversaries.
- Strive to Improve the Database: Database is a very crucial piece of record containing the important contact details and other details of the existing as well as prospective clients. The larger the database, the greater is your customer base or can potentially be. Therefore, maintaining these records is very important, and not just maintaining but adding information to the database frequently.
- Publicizing and Spreading the Word: One can publicize about their brand through means of press releases across the print medium or even on the internet. One can also make use of Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networking sites by driving members to the page, and then to the website. Spreading the word this way employs least amount of money and greater levels of efficiency.
- Keeping a Constant Check on Results: Always keep a check on the results and the objectives set by you. This will ensure less wastage of time and money, and the sooner you realize that a particular way os not working out, the sooner you try out another resort.