Comparing Six Sigma and Total Quality Management (TQM)

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is the management technique based on project development and improving critical services and products of a firm. Therefore, Six Sigma aims to reduce product defects, reduce maintenance costs, and increase production effectiveness and efficiency to achieve these improvements. The techniques also aim at improving the understanding and satisfaction of clients’ needs and corporate governance by enhancing the competitive advantage of firms. The mechanism improves productivity and a company’s financial performance by establishing measures of correcting an organization’s internal controls. The primary aim of the Six Sigma mechanism is to improve the firm’s process capabilities by using various statistical tools. It reduces waste and eliminates costs that do not add value to the firm’s performance.

The main objective of this technique is to improve service delivery and enhance customer satisfaction after correcting the critical business process which would cause delays in their performance. When the importance of quality control implementation is considered, there is continuous improvement of the processes and services in the organization.

Achievement of Six Sigma

The methodology behind this method should be analyzed when analyzing the applicability and success factors. The approach starts with need identification which aims at improving projects. The financial analysis of a project is performed to evaluate and assess the expectation of savings that will accrue at the project maturity. Hence, the target improvement is measured on the process outcome to estimate these financial savings. In addition, the current process performance is analyzed to ensure that the causal factors and their solutions are implemented within the firm’s processes. Monitoring of the financial performance, which results from the applicability of Six Sigma, is conducted, and achievement is proved at the final stage of the project.

The six-sigma approach helps organizations and companies reduce product defects, operational costs, and losses and increases the value of products and projects conducted in these firms. When deployed, this technique effectively provides leadership and management of firms’ activities through economic commitment. Most firms worldwide have saved most of their finances by embracing this approach in their business process and operations.

The approach is based on four principles: the first principle is aligning the vital organizational processes and customer needs with the firm’s strategic goals and objectives. When these processes are aligned to the firm’s goals, most activities would be improved, limiting defects and losses in the company’s operations. The second principle of the approach focuses on identifying the project champions and obtaining the resources necessary for securing opportunities to overcome change resistance. The third principle aims to establish and evaluate a standard measurement policy and identify the critical performance metrics. Finally, the fourth principle aims at offering and deploying effective performance teams and structures that aim to improve the organization.

Six Sigma achievement occurs in the following steps: the customer’s needs are identified, and critical action plans are set to mitigate the risk factors arising from the inefficient processes. The next step involves identifying the critical organizational features that deserve improvements. The next step involves determining whether the controls are adequate and implemented within the organization. These control processes are established to ensure that the various challenges in the firm are identified in advance, and measures are taken to reduce the losses. Finally, in each control process identified and based on their features, the maximum range and process variation are determined to help redesign the products and process with little capabilities.

The six-sigma approach has four phases of its performance measures. These phases include measurement, analysis, improvement, and control. The fifth phase has been added to the initial four phases, forming a well-known process called DMAIC. This acronym means defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling. DMAIC describes all the phases undertaken to ensure continuous organizational improvements. The main goal of this acronym is to achieve the Six Sigma approach from the initial levels to the final stage.

Comparing Six Sigma and Total Quality Management (TQM)

The first phase defines the problem, and the project goal is formulated. The next phase focuses on measuring the base performance lines and identifying potential inputs in the process. Once the performance measurement has been conducted, analyses of these inputs are investigated from each data set. The parameters are then established to distinguish the root causes of the problems in the entire process line. The inputs are examined to determine the most effective techniques that have the solutions for the established processes. Lastly, the control phase focuses on ensuring that both inputs and outputs of the firm process are monitored and controlled regularly to ensure that the gains from this process are evaluated. The critical step, therefore, in this approach is the financial analysis to ensure that both costs and revenues are measured, and the best strategy is implemented.

Six Sigma Implementation

The Six-Sigma approach implementation involves the integration of quality controls in the organizational critical functional areas. In addition, the business processes are spread and utilized in the critical areas of the firm, and quality controls are attained through the management support dedicated to these processes. The sigma implementation also involves defining and measuring the firms’ goals and objectives. To successfully implement the six-sigma approach, most firms focus on reducing the process variations and considering the cost reductions, ensuring customer satisfaction. However, most of these organizations focus on reducing costs and losses rather than establishing measures that improve customer satisfaction with their operations.

The fundamental goal of implementing this technique in business is cost reduction. Other performance factors from this technique include the involvement of the management and offering commitment towards the realization of the company’s objectives. The technique also aims at establishing an organizational culture that aligns with the management’s desires and long-term plans. Therefore, this approach must be integrated into all the organizational processes, which maximize the financial benefits. The six-sigma technique’s applicability is to achieve zero defects or a minimal number of defective items from a firm’s production process. It reduces the long-chain processes and improves the accessibility and efficiency of business operations.

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management technique that assists the firm in achieving its long-term goals and objectives alongside the six-sigma method. The vital organizational goals include satisfying customer needs and improving its competitive edge in the market. The TQM has seven key dimensions to achieve these objectives: establishing a relationship between management and employees, quality data reporting, training, development, and employee skill improvement. In addition, the process entails improving supplier relationships, designing quality products and services, and effectively managing the projects undertaken in the firm.

The basic principle of quality management is to ensure that the processes s are effectively utilized regardless of the company size and industrial operation. When the Six Sigma technique is combined with the TQM, an organization would likely achieve a continuous improvement in the quality of services and products through the participation of all stakeholders within the company processes. Total quality management is an inclusive approach that fulfills the clients’ needs and priorities and effectively reduces costs and expenses.

While establishing the company plans, it is crucial to investigate and determine the organization’s short- and long-term strategic plans and key performance indicators to align them with the TQM. In addition, the organization’s plans and objectives should be clear and qualitative to realize these approaches’ success. The organizational strategies should continuously be considered while assessing the overall quality management plan. The resources and time committed to these plans and strategies lead to achieving quality management in an organization. Therefore, for professional quality control in an organization, there is a combination of the Six Sigma approach and TQM to enhance the firm’s competitiveness.

Six Sigma and Total Quality Management – Comparison

It is noteworthy that the two frameworks are very similar but still bear some differences when it comes to core aspects. Due to these similarities, in some cultural contexts, TQM is regarded as a philosophy, while Six Sigma is seen as a methodology to implement TQM.

As mentioned above, both paradigms are concerned with quality improvement. However, the focus is rather on different aspects as TQM aims at improving processes leading to the establishment of specific standards and ensuring strict compliance. Managers concentrate on ensuring a specific level of quality related to a particular process or unit. The Six Sigma model is more specific as it targets defect detection and elimination (or dramatic minimization). The objective of this approach is to ensure no more than 3.14 defects on one million events or units. This quality management tool is regarded as statistics-based and more concrete compared to TQM.

As far as the values placed to the fore within the two approaches, similarities can be found in such areas as the focus on customer needs and cost reduction. Other domains that share a lot in common include leadership, employee engagement, and continuous learning. The use of both models is associated with the engagement of each employee and the lasting training and development. At the same time, the implementation of Six Sigma encompasses the same instruments, but more training is needed. The paradigm is supported by quite specific training courses that equip managers with specific skills needed to implement the model. TQM can be carried out with no specific training as no particular skills (statistical analysis skills, for instance) are needed. Six Sigma model is also characterized by the use of statistical tools and clear quantifiable and measurable goals. This precision is not typical of TQM that is linked to principles and standards rather than numbers and figures. Hence, it is clear that the differences between the two quality management approaches are not numerous, but they are rather fundamental.

The methodologies utilized in terms of the two frameworks are similar as well but have several basic differences. When it comes to TQM, both quantitative and qualitative data are utilized, but the focus is on qualitative information. Managers try to identify the major areas of concern and develop standards that can ensure the highest quality in this specific domain. As mentioned above, the Six Sigma paradigm is characterized by the focus on statistical data and the development of clear steps to achieve particular measurable goals.

The cycles of the two models implementation are also different in certain details. TQM is associated with four stages that include establishing, doing, exploring, and acting. Managers identify issues and develop a policy that is further implemented and analyzed. Effective policies become a part of the existing standards that serve as the background of quality management. The developed policies and standards are often reviewed and explored on a regular basis to ensure their effectiveness and up-to-datedness.

The Six Sigma cycle contains five stages that may seem similar to the ones mentioned above but are characterized by important peculiarities. The five phases include defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling. Managers detect the defects to be eliminated or minimized at the first stage, and the measurement of initial performance takes place. After that, each component of the associated process is analyzed meticulously to identify the causes of the problem. When the cause of the error is identified, the ways to improve performance are developed. The final stage implies the creation of specific controls to ensure that the process is effective and the necessary measures and tools are employed.

As seen from the conducted analysis, Six Sigma is more focused and measurable, which is now seen as an important or even critical feature. Nowadays, quality managers and executives are willing to receive quantifiable data to analyze and use to improve diverse processes and operations. This trend suggests that Six Sigma can become a prevalent quality management tool in the near future. However, this model has certain limitations when used cross-culturally. Due to different statistical instruments and cultures, the Six Sigma approach can be less effective as the basis of the paradigm (data) can lack reliability and validity. Therefore, TQM may be more applicable in a cross-cultural context, at least, until the Six Sigma framework is further developed.

In conclusion, it is necessary to note that the Six Sigma approach is likely to become the most widely used quality management framework due to its precision and a clear focus on measurable outcomes. This paradigm is instrumental in achieving the highest standards that are based on the analysis of operations and defects. At that, this model still needs further refinement, which is specifically evident in cross-cultural settings.

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